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Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?

Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?2010-12-10T16:23:55+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! The Right Doctor what sort of a doctor do I need to find? Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?


Post count: 913

I spoke with a gal at work who has an ADD child – and has been through multiple doctors. She was able to say “don’t go here, this one is ok, that one is really good, this one is horrible” etc. So that might help………….

I have heard that SOME people can start on meds to help get things settled, then use other methods (because they are more open to them and can concentrate on them perhaps?) to learn and help regulate their lives, then some can wean off the meds.

I’m open to any means. IF I need meds, ok, I’ll do it. If I need meds to start with, then can learn how to deal with things with no meds, that’s fine, whatever. And it would appear – some never need meds, some do “forever”.

I’m open to whatever, and learning more. No, take that back, I’m EAGER to learn more.