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Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?

Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?2010-12-10T15:07:34+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! The Right Doctor what sort of a doctor do I need to find? Re: what sort of a doctor do I need to find?


Post count: 14413

I found my doctor……..30-ish years ago by asking within the medical profession. If you think they have no clue now!!! wow then it was voodoo. It was really a short questionaire I took in a doctors office, much like the one at this site. That’s all. I had done a little reading and was actually doing some research on behalf of one of our kids who was struggling in school. They/we thought he may be dislexic (spelling doesn’t count)….I stumbled on the ADD thing. So mine was initially self diagnosis as your appears to be, and found someone who could confirm or refute.

I know when I first read the description I had no doubt, that that was my world!! Confirmation was all I needed, can’t get a script with out it!! I also ended up regulating my own dosage, trial and error. I know how I feel inside.

Just so you know…. I read your other thread on symptoms getting better or worse with age. I no longer take any meds at all. None!! i am 60 happy and life is good.