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Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends

Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends2010-10-18T01:25:14+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends


Post count: 14413


My definition of hyper-focus for myself is that I get stuck on something and it’s all I can think about, even if I don’t want to.

It’s like a short-term obsession/addiction that you have.

I got hyper-focused on downloading music in my iPod for a party at my house and every spare second I was at the computer, researching songs, looking up titles etc etc..ignoring my spouse because that’s all I could think of doing until it was finished.

If it’s a good book I can’t stop reading and it’s all I can think about.

When I was a teen, I ditched a date (and believe me, I got very few) after one hour, because I Had to come home and finish the book I had started to read that day.

(Helter Skelter…Yikes!)