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Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends

Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends2010-10-18T15:16:49+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends Re: What you may be doing that keeps you from making friends


Post count: 14413

Hi Wrong_Writer!

I know I have some OCD and I try to knock it back to a mere hyper-focus.

I’ve always thought of it as having a weird super-power. If there’s something coming up, I know I’ll do it and do it well.( Even if it temporarily kills me)

I’ve found that planning blocks of time for the HF/OCD really helps to decrease the intensity. Also when I’m done the task I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

It’s usually with things that I like to do, so I try to enjoy the process and keep in mind not to ignore my husband when I get gripped by it. I’ve asked him to come and get me when I’m going overboard and he has been good about it.

I set limits..for example when I was looking up the music for my party, I set a deadline for the download a couple of days before the party so I could listen to the music and make the necessary changes if needed. I also put other people in charge so that if they wanted to change the song, they could. Giving away resposibility helped.

I also put someone else in charge of the BBQ..knowing that I’d be overloaded and not focusing on anything.

I guess being aware of it and trying to work with it or wait it out works best for me.

One time I got stuck cleaning out my closet for 12 hours and it wasn’t bad to begin with, but hey..now I don’t have to do it for a long time!
