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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-11-14T13:15:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 14413

I guess this comes under the heading of the worst thing you’ve forgotten but in a different way…

True story..a bit off track but here goes

About 15 years ago was I accosted at gunpoint (a beretta) near the subway by two young punks.

They were yelling, screaming and asking me if I wanted a ‘piece of this’…waving the gun in my face.. I don’t know if they were cracked out or what.. I was rooted to the spot and couldn’t move. It was weird, I felt no emotion at all. Zombified…

My husband was nearby in the car and calmly walked over to where we were, took me by the elbow and walked me slowly away to the car. The punks realized that were were getting in the car, ran over and started banging on the driver’s window with the butt of the gun and screaming at us. We took off, no damage done to me or car.

Looking back, I realize that it wasn’t loaded, that they were getting their jollies from terrorizing me.

The next day, I cried all day just from the stress.

However, I have only remembered this from time to time….completely forgot about it soon after it happened for years..not supressing it by any means, just forgetting it. When I do remember, it’s like “Wow..can’t believe I forgot about that..did that really happen??’

You’d think that something like that would make an impression on you..hmm…

Now where are my keys??