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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-11-13T01:03:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 14413

One nite I went outside to see if the stars were out. There was going to be a meteor shower. I let my three dogs out with me. I became distracted looking at the stars. I called the dogs in while my mind was wandering. once again became distracted. Bout ten minutes later called the dogs to give them a treat & realised that I left one outside. A small cavalier king charles spanial. I was up all nite looking for her. Called animal control next morning. Thank God someone saw her wandering down the street & dropped her off at animal control the next morning. After that I installed a wireless fence because that was not the first time i forgot one of the dogs. The other 2 were smart enough to stay in the yard and bark until i let them in. Another time I was running late & was very frustrated because I couldnt find my car keys. After searching the house I realised I had them in my hand the whole time.