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Re: Why now? I am mid way through my life and now I discover what I have.

Re: Why now? I am mid way through my life and now I discover what I have.2012-09-15T08:40:06+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Why now? I am mid way through my life and now I discover what I have. Re: Why now? I am mid way through my life and now I discover what I have.


Post count: 802

I found out while on a journey to work out what was going on with our eldest son – I started seeing me in the information. Then, through work, I had to learn more and it was like I could suddenly see over the waterline. This site was a godsend. Knowing has literally completely changed my life. (I was 39 when I found out.)

what do you do or have done to better your life and those close to you? What do you do at work to improve?

I got diagnosed.

I gave up teaching and I have started a new career.

I take concerta.

My husband took on the day to day housework and I do the stuff that can be done randomly.

I have more self confidence,

I stood up to a bullying influence in my life.

I spend time doing things I want to do rather than things I think other people want me to do.

I got cowboy’d up and learnt how to get stuff done MY way.