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Re: Will medication work for me?

Re: Will medication work for me?2010-12-02T09:11:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Will medication work for me? Re: Will medication work for me?


Post count: 14413

Anxiety has many origins and not just physiological. I would begin by exploring alternative interventions: psychotherapy, meditation, exercise, diet etc. You are clearly medication sensitive. Nimthiriel’s suggestion is correct in that if the driving reason you are anxious is because of unresolved ADHD, then this needs to be looked at. But whatever you try start as low as you can and go up really slowly. Let you body get used to it.

Always speak to your doctor or before making any changes to medications. Dr. Jain provides advice generically and not for any one person. Advice does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or promise of care. Please consult the privacy policy for more information