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Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.

Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.2010-08-10T22:33:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less. Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

You could argue that ADHD people don’t fit into the world.

But I think that’s changing. We may not have fit into the world of the last century so easily.

But as we move into this century, with the Internet and computers and surfing and grazing, it’s more suited to our brain style.

Now I wonder if the modern world is actually created by people with ADHD.

After all, they say Silicon Valley and Hollywood are awash in ADHD.