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Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.

Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.2010-12-09T04:28:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less. Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.


Post count: 14413

i had a therapist tell me once that if i really wanted to do things, i would. that really, it was all my attitude.

had another one tell me i just neede to learn to tune out the distractions. his boss told me i just needed to get a planner and fill it in. and then wanted to know why i was angry – almost told him that he didn’t need those hearing aids, he just needed to listen harder….

had another one infuriate me – i told her that i needed a keeper and she said “oooh, like a husband?” and grinned at me. i got really mad and said “NO! LIKE A ZOO KEEPER!”

i don’t know why these people say they can help you when they don’t even have the faintest idea what is going on in your head. *sigh*