The Forums › Forums › What is it? › ADHD/ADD in Adults › Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind › Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind
Kylep, Right on…… Topic awesome Insightfull follow up Nellie,
Kylep…… Yes I have composed “letters” here as well. I then proof read them 30 times add/delete and then often delete them entirely as I frequently feel in my head my typed words don’t really express my true thoughts and feelings. This leaves me frustrated to the point I sometimes just leave the topic and offer no reply. As with Nellie I offer you congrats great job Kylep Oh and by the way if what you type here makes “you” feel better IT IS ALL GOOD . We here are not the “be all that ends all”… If you need a couple of tries to get it right for “you”! so be it. Some of us probably need to learn some restraint anyway. LOL
Nellie… “Decision making” is a huge issue for me. Unfortunately some of us were not properly taught/trained how to critically think. Maybe because of economics, lack of knowledge and education about ADHD we were not “treated” lets say hollistically as described by the videos here on the TotallyADD website. I am a 48 year old male that grew up in a farely afluent and educated suburb of NJ. But because I never new I had ADHD and was just kinda pushed through a school interested in graduate numbers or maybe ADD was not understood the way it is now by more of our society as a whole I succumbed to being swallowed up and have a Big hole to climb out of. If not for persons like you both and this site I might not have a rope that will allow for the escape to freedom others without ADHD enjoy.