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Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind

Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind2011-01-24T08:53:16+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind


Post count: 14413

Congradulations all! I see we are all members of a unique writers club! I found that write,delete rewrite, rewrite again etc. to be the sighn of a perfectionest lucky for us all this electronic medium we use to communicate on i.e the computer allows us to do this without “taking prisoners” i.e. we donot have a pile of paper behind us when we are done! It has been my experience that to overcome our unique malady takes persistance and patience but believe it or not we can do it look at all the postings we have.!