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Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind

Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind2011-01-24T16:31:49+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind Re: Write, Write, Write more, Read, Send Post? Delete? Make up your mind


Post count: 14413


Funny, thought I just had pour (I mean poor) typing skills… LOL ! ……… Besides that, I find that I drift off topic and have to <delete> often to get back on track or I rant incisively as to lose the point I was trying to initially convey…. So yehI guess I like to be called a perfectionist………

Have an awesome day!