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Re: WTF2011-03-13T21:02:51+00:00

Post count: 15

A year ago, I went to a therapist to talk about my depression. Within 10 minutes she was asking me about ADD/ADHD. I was like, “What?” Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think ADD was my issue. A little research, a referral to a psychiatrist for formal evaluation, & I was on my way. I can’t take stimulants because of blood pressure issues. Someday I may get that resolved & get to try the stims. I was already taking bupropion for the depression. The psych bumped up the dosage, which helped. In reality, I’m still all over the place, but now I understand WHY. I’ve embraced a few habits which help me be functional. My smart phone has alarms & reminders for everything.

Ask yourself, ” In which area of my life does ADHD cause me the most problem?” And start there. Work was my biggest immediate problem. The bupropion helped my concentration. I got rid of the clutter, so I could focus on one thing at a time on my desk. I write task lists & look at them frequently. I ask my coworkers to not just tell me something, but to write it down. I ask them (nicely) to not interrupt me at all, if I’m trying to get something done. That kind of thing. It works! Now I have to figure out how to cope with a very low tolerance for frustration. My temper has ruined my relationships. It’s gotta go, or have a healthier outlet.