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Re: Xmas shopping – who's gotten it done?

Re: Xmas shopping – who's gotten it done?2010-12-07T12:44:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other Xmas shopping – who's gotten it done? Re: Xmas shopping – who's gotten it done?


Post count: 913

For the first time ever – I’m about 50% done. Sorry.

I saved money away in an envelope for 2 years (I kept forgetting about it), and started shopping back in October (only because I was in the middle of a place surrounded with stuff to buy I knew certain someone’s wanted)

But to wrap it up (HAHA) is taking me forever, and it actually is a huge effort to get the last little bit done – then to actually WRAP ’em, it’s like I have to force myself to stay put that long.

You pretty well summed it up – then I get really low when Christmas is over and the mess it cleaned up and there’s nothing left to do….