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Re: Yakity Yak Attack Thread. For just ranting n ramblng about fun stuff. Any subjec

Re: Yakity Yak Attack Thread. For just ranting n ramblng about fun stuff. Any subjec2012-02-26T01:24:57+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Motivation/Staying on Track Yakity Yak Attack Thread. For just ranting n ramblng about fun stuff. Any subjec Re: Yakity Yak Attack Thread. For just ranting n ramblng about fun stuff. Any subjec


Post count: 929

>>>>> Hope it went well.

Any subject?

I’m very much enjoying having a couple of days in bed due to putting my back out! The pills are working spectacularly well so I’m in no pain yet I’m getting to rest.

Not too shabby! <<<<< better than a poke in the eye, huh? (w/ a sharp stick) Thanks for the vote of confidence/hope.

Whelp, fortunately I listened to “the gut”, talked to her a while, it was fun, we laughed. I asked her “how old are you” LOL, smart huh? Doh!! She responded well n said “I’m old” n laughed, pretty good answer to an awkward question huh?. I’m 47 but my personality and the fact that I quit the Party animal ways before my offspring turned one helps me elso look younger. I was thinking she might be too young for me. We shall see.

So next week I may ask her out for coffee or a snack. We’ll see what the “gut instinct” has to say. Sometimes our impulsiveness is a quick witty sense of humor, others times. Well, you know, been there regretted that, huh?

Suspence!! fun stuff, huh? ***smirky grinn*** ****almost pouting cuz I’m impatient****

Anyone heard from Pete?

Dang hippo’s…

Oh dang, runnin late!!! Ack

sunday, 2/25/12