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Reply To: ADDeep Sleep Question: Audiobooks and eBooks acceptable?

Reply To: ADDeep Sleep Question: Audiobooks and eBooks acceptable?2013-07-04T16:14:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADDeep Sleep Question: Audiobooks and eBooks acceptable? Reply To: ADDeep Sleep Question: Audiobooks and eBooks acceptable?


Post count: 1096

To my shame I haven’t watched the sleep video yet……but I guess it’s to do with the visual aspects of the computer. So a back-lit display is bad because it triggers brain chemicals that say “don’t sleep”. So a Kindle is better for bed-time reading than an iPod (which is back lit).

Computer games are extra bad because you have the back lit stuff going on with stimulation too.

Audio books are good. I listen to one at bed time and set the timer to switch it off after a specific time.

Of course all this might be complete do doos ……just what I think……