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Reply To: Am I just an ENFP or do I have ADHD?

Reply To: Am I just an ENFP or do I have ADHD?2015-11-22T13:53:56+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Do I Have it? Am I just an ENFP or do I have ADHD? Reply To: Am I just an ENFP or do I have ADHD?


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Thanks! I should have added that I always test as ENFP and I believe I was a “fiery type ” ENFP or something similar, with a very high degree of extrovertism but less on assertiveness, when I did the 16 Personalities test. My husband strangely tested the same, but with an assertive slant and an almost 50:50 extroversion to introversion. It now makes sense why we always have so much fun and get each other, but he’s more self-assured and quieter.

My parents don’t want me to be diagnosed and then change as they think that it’s what makes me me, whether it’s a personality trait or ADHD. Have you found that to be the case?

Do you think my “symptoms” make me ADHD in your experience? I forgot to add that I got into 15k of credit card debt by the age of 21 and almost had to declare myself bankrupt. I have nothing to show for it, not even nice clothes. I bought things I didn’t need (like anti-cellulite cream despite not having it) and was always the first to order shots for friends at a bar.

I just want to better understand my treatment choices as I have anxiety (always been a worrier but now in a very bad job), which may change if I have ADHD. Equally, I don’t want to change as most people actually seem to love my chatterbox nature and get that I am just excitable and not being rude.

However, I want a successful career and can’t afford to mess up with bad disorganisation and my lack of attention to detail. (I do think that I just switch off though if something is not challenging and very admin focused, which could then be ENFP.)
