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Reply To: Does a doctor have to diagnose what is now so obvious to me???

Reply To: Does a doctor have to diagnose what is now so obvious to me???2013-11-13T12:36:33+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Does a doctor have to diagnose what is now so obvious to me??? Reply To: Does a doctor have to diagnose what is now so obvious to me???


Post count: 2

I’m 62 and am “highly”suspect.  Since I have areas in my life that need the relief that treatment (read meds, coaching, etc) may bring, I’m going to get myself diagnosed.  Made the appointment…..4 weeks away.  I also want the official diagnosis for my family.  No one has ever been diagnosed, and this answers SO MANY questions about my family and family history.  But that’s me.  Otherwise, I agree w/ Amy.

I see this is an older post.  What did you decide to do?