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Reply To: Hyper Brain: Working & Not : Feedback Encouraged

Reply To: Hyper Brain: Working & Not : Feedback Encouraged2015-04-11T23:39:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… Hyper Brain: Working & Not : Feedback Encouraged Reply To: Hyper Brain: Working & Not : Feedback Encouraged


Post count: 2

Wow. Hit the nail on the head right there. My life was much the same growing up. I gave up a lot of jobs when I got older because I couldnt handle the managers telling me that I wasn’t doing something right. Or I always forget something. Asking questions and really trying to wrap my head around something I needed to do has helped so much in my current employment, along with my calendar and task managers and notebooks. And I’m sure most of us know what would happen without those extremely important tools. My employers are aware of my ADHD and if there is something important I need to remember they either text or email it to me. Makes life so much easier. I lived in chaos for years. Asking the right questions and clarifying help so much.