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Reply To: Please help!

Reply To: Please help!2015-11-30T23:57:02+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Please help! Reply To: Please help!


Post count: 3

Just an alternative perspective.

What we do- WE HYPERFOCUS!! I get it, no one likes a write up-Not good for the ego and definitely not good for the pocket. The write up has your attention, the possibilities are endless on what “could” happen. It’s like our minds become magic calculators of all the negative possibilities multiplying and adding up situation after situations that could occur. This seemingly happens with no effort on our behalf, but the truth is it is taking up mental space and causing anxiety. The facts are there. You have 2 write ups, everything else are possible outcomes. So while that big scary monster seems to be looming over your shoulder. I say turn your focus to the possibilities. Your doctor’s appt is set! Start the day with a go gettem attitude end the day with putting in applications, seek out a head hunter/recruiter in your profession. You can make a change, and start stepping into your future. It’s not easy, I am in a similar position and it just occurred to me as I am writing this, Dang I forgot to send my resume out. I wish there was an emoticon that had a ADD arrow shooting toward a person an then the emoticon saying Oh ya got me!! lol
Sorry off track- I am sorry you are going through this as I re-read my post- (5th time already, 8 corrections and I am sure there are still some more corrections that should’ve been made) I want you to know- You are not alone. I am reading over an over the same story.I can see so clearly how we get stuck!Fighting to be “normal”, to accomplish what seem to be simple task. An when we fall short we repeat, over an over as if that one thing was so important in the big picture of Life. Maybe the question we should be asking ourselves is what part of our destiny does this play. Is it worth our sanity or our self-esteem to keep at something that is not fulfilling us? Don’t get me wrong- I am not saying job hop I am saying explore your strengths and seep what job/career there is that works with your strength not your weakness. When we stumble onto something that we thought we would be great at or maybe it pays the bills be willing to let it go when it no longer is serving it’s purpose.
We are perfect in our imperfections- we are all designed to accomplish some task in this world, everything and everyone has a purpose – Go out an find yours.. your ADD makes you creative- So Create Create Create!!!
Good Luck!