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Reply To: Prioritize, Verbalize, and Get it done, but Failing.

Reply To: Prioritize, Verbalize, and Get it done, but Failing.2013-07-06T08:41:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Prioritize, Verbalize, and Get it done, but Failing. Reply To: Prioritize, Verbalize, and Get it done, but Failing.


Post count: 164

@Carrie–I don’t recall getting a rebound with the Ritilin, but I might take too small an amount. I’ve never been one for taking drugs, I rarely even drink I don’t like not being able to think. Dexedrine used to make me  sleepy, and spacey. I got it for my Dyslexia. years ago, but I only took it for a little while. Then I was off all meds ’til I was diagnosed with ADD. We worked up to the Concerta 36mg, but it was too much so we backed down to the 27’s. I think it might be a different story if  I was working. I haven’t been able to find a job. I need one that will take care of the mortgage and the bill’s.

I’m getting some help from some of the agency’s but they have been throwing me jobs that would totally drive me crazy, just this last one was for $7.40 an hour at a laundry. I would go totally nut’s, like trying to go up a down escalator, I’d finally get there but I’d have to take so many steps to rise to the next level, financially and mentally.

I thought the lady understood my position, clearly she doesn’t.
