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Reply To: Unique exercise Question , your opinions?

Reply To: Unique exercise Question , your opinions?2015-09-20T22:03:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Unique exercise Question , your opinions? Reply To: Unique exercise Question , your opinions?


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i’M OLDER NOW (OOoops) Some call it “The Last Act” , before what, you know all that and it’s not important. I retired early because of chronic spine pain after neck surgery and while I was sitting around getting fat or driving to a doctor (I could do that) I knew where every bakery was where I would stop and get a snack, no matter what direction I was going. About this time, around 2005 , not critical, but the village I live in was fortunate to get a 50 acre parcel when the Air National Guard downsized and they created a great park. Being the professional I was, I offered to start a walking program for my fellow seniors, but never heard back. That is until a couple of years later. By then I weighed about 230 lbs & my 5’8″ height was shrinking. I was then scared sh..less to start, but I did. I started the walking & it helped especially the Vitamin C (connection {fron Ned Hallowell MD} liked that.) Walking led to slowly walking more & eating less. Found a flyer from an attractive personal trainor & started 3 times a week for 30 min & then Tai Chi & core strengthening. Lots of good follows, so it all started with tiny steps. I celebrated with my non-ADHD/ADD twin sister that at 73 I had cured my Osteoporosis [from Bone -4 to WHO Standards of Normal] & also catch the ball with my grandson.It really works if you work it and I still have plenty of daily ADD difficulties, but now I think I will live longer, drive more carefully, etc.