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Reply To: Vyvanse- the best for me as far as medication goes

Reply To: Vyvanse- the best for me as far as medication goes2013-11-03T13:11:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse- the best for me as far as medication goes Reply To: Vyvanse- the best for me as far as medication goes


Post count: 37

It really works for me too, Mel! At first I was on Concerta but, as you put it so well, there was a noticeable transition in my feelings. About an hour after taking Concerta I’d get teary-eyed at the slightest thought provocation, which felt really strange! Then I tried Vyvanse (my son had been taking it for 6 months already and liked it much better than Concerta) and immediately liked it.
I recently went up from 60 to 70 mg because I felt less “on top of things” than I had been. But after a month or 2 I realized that 70 mg made me feel much more agitated. I’m happy as a clam back down to my optimal dose of 60.
