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22 yr old guy; Newly diagnosed; a few questions

22 yr old guy; Newly diagnosed; a few questions2011-12-21T07:50:31+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Have a Diagnosis, Now What? 22 yr old guy; Newly diagnosed; a few questions

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    Post count: 14413

    Hi all,

    My name is Christian. I’m 22 years old. I’m happily married and have a wonderful son. I have recently been diagnosed with ADD-inattentive type. I’ve read so many people’s stories and it’s like looking at my own. Now I know why I was only able to B’s and C’s in school when I felt that all of the material was easy; same thing goes for the huge struggle I’ve had in college. I now know why I continuously played with toys in the store even after my dad reprimanded me over and over. I’m not saying that everyone with ADD did that as kids nor that all kids that do those things have ADD; that’s just what I see about myself now.

    I’ve always known something about me was different; something that no one else understood. It was so miserable. I turned to alcohol countless times to deal with my frustrations. I had so much anger because I felt like the whole world was against me and no one understood me. I’ll admit that I can’t contribute all of my actions to my ADD, but a lot of my frustrations definitely came from the things that I did because of ADD. I never did well enough in school because of lack of organization, inability to pay attention, and . I had so much trouble keeping friendships because of my impulsivity and inability to communicate.

    I had no idea that ADD/ADHD could cause all of that. I always thought that ADD/ADHD just meant you couldn’t concentrate on anything and was really hyper.

    I just have a few questions to ask and hope to hear back from someone:

    Was anyone else angry when they got their diagnosis?

    I wasn’t mad that I had ADD. I was actually really glad because I finally had a diagnosis that made sense to me. I have been to several therapists and psychiatric doctors. They all told me that I was depressed, had bi-polar, and one told me I had borderline personality disorder. Apparently some ADD symptoms mock the symptoms of those conditions. ADD was the only condition that actually sounded like me through and through. It also pissed me off that not a single teacher I had as a kid even suggested it; they all just said I was lazy and would never reach my full potential.

    How do I deal with the side effects of the medication?

    I’m taking Vyvanse 30 mg. It has been like a miracle drug. I never knew I could be so be productive. I’m accomplishing goals, thinking things through, truly making plans for my future; the old me would just sit around and talk about what I wanted to do but would just put it off until the next day. Vyvanse has also given me some bad side effects. Yesterday I had a horrible panic attack. Then today I would get really worked up because I was trying to do everything I’ve wanted to do for weeks all at once. I really attribute the panic attack and excitedness to lack of sleep and not eating correctly. I’m pretty well trained in diet and exercise (I played football from the age of 7 until the age of 21) but I just can’t think of a way to eat when I’m not hungry. The sleep loss is killing me. I want to find a good sleep drug. My doctor reccomended Ambien, but when I used to take that I would have lucid dreams. I really want to exercise, but just can’t find the energy with no sleep and no food. I’m going to try and figure something out, but I was hoping someone could help.

    Does anyone have any advice for my wife and mom?

    My wife has put up with a lot from me thus far, but a lot has changed since my diagnosis. Ever since I started taking the Vyvanse, she’s told me how happy she is because I’ve been so good to her and I’ve been doing so much around the house. Unfortunately though, I have had those side effects. Anything you can tell her she might want to expect?

    My mom is a teacher. She is trained to recognize the symptoms for ADD/ADHD, and admits that she saw them in me. She was afraid to have me tested; she knew what the outcome would be and was afraid of putting me on an amphetamine because of what they can do to a child’s heart. She very much regrets it now. Anyone with a similar situation have any advice on what to tell her?

    Is it true that people with ADD are able to focus better than most in very stressful, violent situations?

    A friend of my that has ADD told me that the gene is prevalant because of this. It makes sense if you look at it like this; there are plenty of women who are attracted to either war heroes or star athletes. That was just something I was curious about.

    I didn’t think this was this going to be that long, but I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. Thank you for reading and I’m sorry if I lost any of you along the way (I know how hard reading can be lol) I look forward to the replies.


    Post count: 802


    A whole lot of stuff going on for you. I’m glad you’ve got the diagnosis you need and you’re still pretty young so that’s really positive too!

    I can’t answer a lot of it as I don’t have experience with meds yet (they’re off license for adults in this country) but I can say that when I’m in a highly stressful situation, I’m the one who reacts calmly, quickly and appropriately WAY before anyone else does. I feel like other people seem to be going in slow motion when that happens and it really frustrates me about them!

    Advice for your wife and mum? I think expectations have to be different around ADD. Not lower – just different. For example, I can’t get a bulk of housework done at once, so my husband took up the slack on the 2 things I was worst at but were most urgent when they weren’t done – the laundry and the washing up. There was no point in him doing stuff that I was able to manage like cleaning the bathroom (no distractions there) and steam cleaning the floors/tiles/kitchen cupboards (woo, gadget – I can do that!)

    He learned to understand that what I need seemed pointless to him but actually was important. So, he sits with me for a few minutes in the morning to help me try to structure my day. He learned that I didn’t want advice. I just wanted to talk to someone about it to try to set myself on track.

    He and I both realised that birthdays, anniversaries etc weren’t important to us and we forget them anyway (he’s aspie, I’m ADHD) so we make a point of making random days a bit more special now and again.

    He knows now that I miss the first couple of sentences of whatever he says to me as it takes me a few seconds to tune in. So he has started saying, ‘listen’ or ‘are you with me?’ before he begins. And he doesn’t complain if I miss the whole thing and he has to start again.

    When I break off mid conversation, he understands now and either brings me back to it or just lets the conversation wiggle along randomly. This morning I was talking about something and noticed some fog in the distance and off I went with that and before that it was someone else’s driving and before that it was something else. The conversation was pretty one sided I now realise. At the time I thought it was 50/50. So maybe just some way of getting her to let you know you’re hogging the conversation without having to say anything snappy would be useful?

    Also, from a mum’s point of view, and a daughter’s point of view, I think that the tangental is important and I try to respect that in my son and wish it had been accepted in me.


    Post count: 14413

    Hi and welcome Christian. First off, recognising and having confirmed diagnosis at 22 is an enormous advantage. I was diagnosed at 38. You want to talk about immediate anger? The temptation to become immersed in a self pity due to the concept of “if I have known this earlier…” was very clear and very presently dangerous. Getting diagnosis early on in life can mean the difference between a positive outlook or a crippling retrospect. The latter of course, is most certainly a choice, but a challenging one to make in light of the perception of a lifetime of opportunities missed and/or failed.

    As far as the meds go, Im not a doctor but my recommendation is to avoid combining powerful neurostimulants with sleep aids. It sounds as though health and well being are forefront for you so I would caution you on the potential side effects of mixing the two together. Yes, the sleeplessness is immensely frustrating (I’m on Adderall XR 10mg/day-recently stopped taking) but I’ve found that if I take a vacation from the meds for a little while, those side effects seem to subside. Ive also discovered that if I take the meds as early as possible when I wake, they dissipate early enough in the late afternoon for me to get a decent nights rest. I take mine with oj which I’ve heard can reduce the efficacy of the drug so maybe that has something to do with its duration?

    For my experience, while n meds my mood improves enormously (my wife often asks “have you taken your adderall today?” when I’m cranky which leads me to believe there are other forces at play in my grey matter).

    Having read quite a lot of the forum threads, I’m beginning to see a growing commonality: most, if not all of us here, are of the belief that either because of or in spite of our ADD, we are possessed of enhanced intelligence, creativity or empathy to name a few. The corelation is fascinating.

    I would say Christian that a great deal of managing your ADD alongside your relationships will fall upon you in terms of your awareness of how your moods/conditions affect others. Being mindful of how you communicate and /or react to situations or others is the first step. I find that taking time to think through what I’m going to say or how I’m going to react helps immensely. It’s not always easily – strike that – it’s never easy! But in doing so, it helps to organise your thoughts and it’s hugely appreciated by your loves ones who will then become supportive of your efforts rather than adversely reactive to your adverse reactions.

    Bottom line here is that there’s support here and definitely in your wife and Mom. You’re in great shape for the coming years. Always remember: if you’re not getting the result you’re looking for from someone, you can’t expect them to change. Instead, you must look inwardly and decide to change how you communicate. Recommended reading : “if..” by rudyard Kipling.


    Post count: 845

    Hi CJ – I got tested and found I had ADD after my 20 year old son was diagnosed and I did some reading. At first, I was kind of amused. Then after reading more I was mildly upset and saddened for a few days.

    In the movie Bambi, Thumper says, “If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all.” So I’ll not comment on your mother’s election not to have you tested or medicated.

    I would recommend the book “The ADHD Effect on Marriage” for you and your wife to read even though I am only about halfway through it.

    There is a forum listing ADHD resources somewhere on this site, but I can’t find it.

    Russell Barkley has some good you tube videos.


    Post count: 14413

    Thank you everyone.

    You have all given me some really good advice. I’m so glad that I found this site. All of my friends that have ADD/ADHD were diagnosed as kids and have been treated for years. It’s really nice to be around people that either are or were in similar situations. We should all be pretty thankful that it’s here.


    Post count: 14413

    Well ChrtistianJ53 welcome aboard……as an athlete you already know the benefits of a great diet and strenuous exercise……I feel it’s critical for us….for all the reasons you already know, and more you can find info on in other threads. There is a lot of great information on this site…info that can provide one with extremely valuable insight….insight into not only how your brain takes in, processes and retrieves information, but some great life experience that might assist you in years to come……..

    Stay open to the fact there are generally two sides to every premise….. getting a great counselor might be a good option, and give Mom a big hug and smooch!!!

    By the way….your among some great people………take the tour.



    Post count: 14413

    the side effects with time will go away or diminish as i have seen with adderall 10 mg twice a day….i too had similar issues and family in denial..im 23 and a mother of one but sadly my ex spouse didnt do as your wife is…but i took that as a time to grow and find out what really was “wrong” with me and why i didnt see things as others did and why i took something and made it bigger than it was…i wanted to be so called “normal” and fit in not stick out as much as i was…..my psych likes concerta adn vyvanse but concerta didnt work for me but with school/work i may be switching to it. as for sleep till it slows down or diminishes i take OTC sleep med at walmart..it is what is in benadryl lots of ppl take it and it is safe unless you have been dx as allergic or know u are…..and no adverse effects just a bit groggy upoin awakiening but as i have cont with my meds i noticed i no longer need them so long as i take my medicine EARLY and get comfortable

    TURN OFF EVERYHTING AND RELAX WITH A BOOK or meditation and slow music about 30 min to 1 hr before bed and it will ease u into sleep. i promise i had same issues before nad about went nuts between 2 jobs, school, and single mom…..i was sooo grumpy and unfuntional till my psych recommended this till i got used to the meds.

    good luck :)


    Post count: 1

    I really appreciate all the comments that I have read on here. I’m 38 and just recently got diagnosed. The diagnosis explains so many things. I was excited when I found out because it explained so many things. I lived in a superstructured home environment until I came to college so that was when the problems became apparent though no one one seemed to be able to tell me anything except that I was disorganized, scattered and depressed. I’m on Wellbutrin and its okay but I think I need to take something else. even now that I’m remembering to take it consistently I’m not seeing as positive a result as others suggested I would and I don’t sleep through the night. I’m working on getting consistent about working out at least 30 mins a day and I feel positive that I’ll stick with it because it really improves my mood and concentration. I’m trying to find a coach to help me get things together at work and home ( I can never find ANYTHING) but because money tend to slip through my hands first I have to save enough to afford it. Ok- that was alot more than I planned to right but I’m glad to have a place where I can talk to other people who know where I’m coming from.


    Post count: 14413

    i am happy you are taking the first steps in finding helpa nd to be honest this place has saved me literally…

    i used to be soo scared to even think this was my issue after so many people have told me my issues….sadly i was diagnosed this past summer almost a year now and it is hard to accept along with having to take the stimulants they have given me bc the anxiety from them was horrid..

    I actually start wellbutrin xl tomorrow and am a bit excited because I am not a super bad case of adhd as i work out A LOT AND balance it out with healthy food and lifestyle but i will say even though the adderall and concerta helped cognitivly and sometimes with just slowing my butt down i found that with time my anxiety was horrid..at night i became so anxious after it wore off and felt a never ending lump in my throat. i have heard form a few ppl such as myself who are older and now much calmer and only have add symptoms and cant take the stimulants either that wellbutrin has been a life savor since there is really nothing else besides strattera or nothing at all.

    kudos for your step up on getting a diagnosis and i commend you for this because as i am in the same boat as a newby i am still finding it ever so difficult to accept and try to find a good treatment that wont make me zombie, zoned out, anxious above anything and something that makes me still feel like me :)


    Post count: 845

    Good to hear from you shammers, don’t be such a stranger.

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