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45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed

45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed2010-12-13T20:35:27+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed

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    Post count: 165

    @ Louis et al:

    this may help: YMCA provides counselling and career help to find out your strengths and weaknesses, and if you don’t know those then you’re simply in the dark – and another cubicle job awaits you….don’t go there.


    ^^^ Here’s a link for the Toronto Y, be aware there are others all over southern ON and perhaps other places too, but I’ll let you search those out. Get tested and find out what you like, what you’re good at, and what you want to avoid. Then go get it!

    Wishing you all the best of luck and a joyous Christmas season, and a very optimistic New Year and a great new vocation you love and look forward to.

    Jim (30 years unhappily in revolving sales/sales mgmt jobs).


    Post count: 14413

    Louie, have you ever thought about becoming an insurance claims adjuster? It would capitalize on your previous experience, but there is a lot more active type work that needs to be done so you’re not chained to a desk all day. I would suck at being at a desk all day, so I can completely empathize with your plight. I”d be out of my seat 50 times an hour to go to the bathroom or the water cooler or for another cup of coffee and then to find some paper clips. . . and I’m not even hyper. Another job that would get you away from the desk is surveying. I think you can do this with a 2 year degree (not sure though) and it’s heavy on math.

    I was a terrible waitress–I enjoyed talking to people, but I never failed to forget something that they needed or to get orders mixed up. Also, I was one of the people with ADD who had awful social skills and adderall has fixed a lot of that, so I’m curious if I’d be any better at waiting tables now that I have meds.


    Post count: 71

    About every 7 years, I completely change professions. Just get really bored. Luckily, I’m blessed with some intelligence, so that part isn’t an issue. The thrill of starting down a new path, the learning of new things, is a real charge for me. I’ve waited tables, worked in accounting, run a small daycare, real estate, and currently my husband and I own our own business (small pizzeria). On one hand I wish I could stay interested longer, but on the other hand, I’ve enjoyed many different “careers”, learned alot, met many interesting people and I don’t regret a thing. Maybe one day, I’ll find that bliss that keeps me anchored, but until then, I’ll stay grateful for the opportunities that have come along.


    Post count: 14413

    I hope I don’t come off negative on this recent thread — but lately I’ve felt that I really have to get a new job. I’ve been at my present job for over 6 years. A lifetime record. I worry that the reason is that very same reason many express in this thread. That is that because we have ADD changing jobs is a great way to feel better. Instead of trying to excel at the job you have (which in my case pays great, has great benefits and stability as much as can be), we just pick up and move on. Is this my chaos? Does that make sense? I fear I am not facing the REAL problem.


    Post count: 12

    @ JimC. from what I gather many ADDers like being in sales. Are you selling the wrong thing, something you dont believe in or are you just unhappy in sales. I keep asking myself if I should go into sales but I sold cars for a couple of years and it wasnt a great experience so I dont know if I dont like sales, or if it was just car sales I didn’t like. (The dealership I worked for wasnt helping me very much to succeed, which is not uncommon for car dealers as it can be a shadely business)

    @ Tinkywink, I have been think about that as an option. We have a big insurance company about 25 miles from me so it is a possibility.

    A few people mentioned to not be scare to take a risk and that is something I have not been good at. Lifetime of telling myself I suck and feeling I have failed at soooooo many things I am totally gun shy to step out of my comfort zone.

    I want to thank all the people that gave their input. I took a break over Christmas and haven’t really checked here. I still not sure what I should be doing but it is humbling to here how many people are looking for work and how lucky many of us are that we have a job. It sounds like in many cases pretty good jobs. I still feel like I should be doing something that matches my personality better. To a certain degree that transcends ADD or ADHD. I think it would be safe to say most successful people are in jobs that suit them.

    For me the big thing is knowing about my ADD is helping not just jump to something else which was kind of what I have done in the past. I would need something different and just kind of take what made sense based on my previous experience. Now I am looking at different jobs and really paying attention to what the position entails. Doing some research on some of them has helped a lot to find out what are the key parts of the job. Some sound interesting but when I do some research I find with some that the part I am excited about or think I would be good at that is a very small part of the job.

    I hope more people will continue to post as I have gotten some good leads so to speak from this and it has helped knowing I am not alone in my quest.


    Post count: 14413

    Lois, I can say I didn’t read any of the other posts, and just the first few sentences that you posted so I could be well off the mark here. I read that you were interested in radio- which could be a good career… but had difficulty with reading…. don’t let that stop you… a really proper tutor who still uses the old fashioned way of teaching (phonics) could really enhance your skill and fast.. Plus, it seems to me you have a creative edge….As most ADD’er do Follow you dreams, put supports in place…. and go for it. It could be that’s the kinda job you need!!!!


    Post count: 14413

    In fact, Lois I believe the whole media range of TV, Radio and Print Media is totally consumed with ADD’ers by defult- we have that creative edge and ability to work like maniacs and be always on the move/ thinking outside the box- well as long as we take frequent brakes!! GO for it man!!!!


    Post count: 14413

    I’m new here – just saw this show and it told me I’m ADD. Took long enough to find out – I’m 42. Reading all the posts here gives me comfort that I’m not alone. Brilliant at times, sucking and worthless the next. Now I know why it is like that. One thing that has helped me with self-confidence has been to have a file folder called “Fan Mail”. Whenever I get a really nice email, letter, card, that makes me feel good about myself, I put it in there. When I’m down, I pull it out and give myself a boost. It gets me off the negative train and back on the positive.


    Post count: 14413

    Hey Louie,

    I’ve done office work for over 25 years and its the worst thing for me as I type less then 35 wpm and have reading issues like you. Now I am on SSDI and I’m looking to get back to work but dont know where to go. Another administrative job will kill me. I need to do something creative but have no idea what.

    Know you are not feeling stuck alone, seems you have lots of company. Felicia


    Post count: 14413

    If someone have read this before either A: I quit my job or B: I got fire, please give me some pointers if possible.

    I believe that I am in the right industry. I am a prepress specialist. My job requires me to be hyperfocus and fix almost every single document that we receive from our client. I work in a very busy and hectic environment.

    I can handle my job very well if I am actually doing my job most of the time. However, our supervisor left a few years ago. My boss insist that we DONT NEED A SUPERVISOR!! Guess who takes over the slack? Me and my other co-worker!! I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. Which is how I got myself to check if I am ADHD.

    I am on 27MG of Concerto. And I closely monitor if I make less mistakes. I find myself extremely productive and I have minimized the frequency of making mistakes. EG. From making a mistake once every week to once every 3 months. Is this good enough or what? However, this is NOT good enough for my boss.

    I mentioned to him numerous times, other employees have mentioned to him numerous times. That we DO NEED A SUPERVISOR so that we can do our JOB!! He don’t listen. I said to him numerous times that I already got a full load just doing my job. I can handle phone calls and everyting that he needs me to do. But I will make mistakes. He disagree. Instead of listening to me, he kept on telling me that I make more mistakes than normal people.

    He probably don’t mean it. But to me, it sounds as if he never stopped telling me that I am a defect. That the only reason that I am still working in this company is because of him. The truth is, I am one of the BEST that you can ever find in this industry. And he have splited my attention to too many things than I can handle.

    I have mentioned to him about this annoying disability. But I feel that he literally don’t give a shit about it.

    Does anyone know if there is any law that can protect me from these kind of people?


    Post count: 913

    In the states, yes – because if you have been diagnosed, you have a valid recognized disability and as such, they can’t discriminate…

    You do make more mistakes than others – that’s a real ADD trait. The doctors even noted it would be the case when writing up reports on me, even though they’ve never seen my work.

    I’m afraid you’ll have to do as I’ve found out – help yourself……

    If you get distracted, what can you do about it? Think about ways to control distractions.

    How about a phone with reminders and alarms? How about something on the computer that only allows you to surf or whatever during certain times or for a certain amount of time?

    Folks here can probably list more and better “tricks” of survival than I can – I survive, but like a typical ADD person, I can’t explain HOW I get from point A to point B – I just do.

    I get the correct answer, but have no idea how – and no way to explain it. It’s part of ADD…….


    Post count: 285

    There is a concept in disability law in Canada and the US that if accomodating your disability causes an “undue hardship” to the business, then they don’t have to do it. So, what you have to do is propose, in writing, what you want them to change about your job, how it relates to your disability, and how – if they would make that change – you would then be able to perform the “essential functions” or “essential qualifications” of your job. If it would cost them very much money, or effect other people’s jobs, it’s pretty easy for them to say no. If you are asking them to remove some of the “essential functions” of the job, they probably don’t have any legal obligation to do that.

    If they have changed your job description to include these extra tasks, you could possibly get unemployment benefits (in the US) because they are now asking you to do something different than what you were originally hired to do, which is not your fault. (Not that you want to lose your job, but at least you would have some time to find another prepress job that fits better with your strengths)

    There are other jobs where prepress skills would be a great asset like in a marketing or design agency. You might have to get some additional education if you don’t know how to do design, but it’s a different work environment, and might pay better too if you could get your foot in the door…


    Post count: 913

    Typically the courts need to see financial loss or real dollar cost, or interruption of services, etc.

    The U.S. dept of labor has some GREAT info in this area – I think it’s the askjan site or something like that. They spell it out and even give real examples.

    Be careful as if you suddenly declare that you can’t perform the essential functions it could go wrong on you.

    In my case, all doctors said I could perform the essential functions of the job “with reasonable accommodations” (duh, I HAVE been doing them for many years, just not as fast and in the manner they want things done) I can show that there were other ways that worked just as well if not better, and came out ok. BUT – for one request, they actually said that since “I can be helped with drugs they will expect that I won’t need accommodations in the near future as the drugs should solve the problems” – as if like magic I’ll be cured.

    I asked for (and finally got) a schedule change. No cost at all, no hardships, and my core hours still overlap those of the other folks there. But they said in their response to my request that they expect the change to be temporary since it’s treatable and the drugs will negate and need for the changes.

    I plan on educating them!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks for all the replies. It is very difficult to describe how I feel doing what I do. I believe that it is my manager who makes us to a lot more than what we supposed to be doing. Other branches have their employees do mostly their own job.

    Please note that my performance have improved so much to a point where I can’t even blame myself for making mistakes. Can you blame yourself if you make mistakes from once a week to once every 3 months? This is still not enough for him. I am a machine at work. Can he do math? How many jobs have I ran for him and how many did I fail? Even a machine can break down. Except machine dont talk when it fails, it stops.

    @munchkin Should I complain about him to the head office? I’ve been thinking about it for years. Yes, he pushed me too hard that I went for a ADD test. And I passed almost 10/10 …… It seem to me that he pretty much not give a damn about my medical condition at all!! I plan on writing to the labor board and see what they will tell me. I am seeing my family doctor this weekend to see if he can refer me to a specialist as well. I believe that after working with this slave drive for all these years, I can pretty much survive and shine anywhere else I go. Seriously. I honestly don’t think my mistakes are unacceptable. And all these years of getting bullied by this ass hole really back fire at me. How much more does it take before it makes a person explode? Just a matter of time…

    I wish I was treated since I was a kid.. I might have been a PHD and I don’t need to go through all these shit in my l life..


    Post count: 285

    Good points Bill!

    @Sailing: Complaining about your boss – that’s a tricky decision to make. I would say that if you are ready to go forward, and let the chips fall where they may (like it could make it worse and lead to your having to quit or get fired), what do you have to lose by going to upper management? Even if they can’t solve the problem for you, you will be helping the other people who are too afraid to speak up…

    If you are still hoping to patch things up with your boss, you might want to just talk to some peers or other people in the company who seem to get along well with this icky boss. Maybe you can find a way to get him to stop holding a grudge. If you’re doing better, and you have invested a lot of time and energy in your sucess at that place, maybe you can get past it.

    I think you would have to be able to forgive the boss (who is human and probably has his own disfunctional issues). If the boss sees you are still angry at how you’ve been treated, he’s going to stay defensive, and have a motivation to find fault with you… He’s probably never going to apologize, but maybe he can let it go and start seeing the good work you are doing instead of focusing on the mistakes…

    I don’t really know for sure because I’m not there, but I’ve seen situations like this get turned around…

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