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5HTP serotonin additive and sleep ??

5HTP serotonin additive and sleep ??2011-12-04T18:05:40+00:00

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    I was reading about diet and its impact on ADHD. Came across various papers on Serotonin supplements like 5 – HTP.

    Has anyone heard about this and/or does it sound like it might help ? This is one of what seems to be a number of products.

    There is also some information about studies on Tryptophan from Whey helping to increase Serotonin levels.

    5 -HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) has been shown to increase REM sleep, deep-sleep, and reduce symptoms of insomnia. Increased levels of endorphins (polypeptides) and other neurotransmitters produced in the brain contribute to mood elevating, relaxing, and analgesic effects. Clinical research has shown supplementation of 5-HTP to have beneficial effects upon anxiety, depression, obesity, seasonal affective disorder, and the relief and prevention of migraine headaches. 5-HTP works to enhance sleep by increasing the cell’s output of serotonin. 5-HTP is far more efficient than L-tryptophan (a popular sleep remedy) as it is a direct precursor to serotonin and has a conversion percentage of 70% compared to 1-3% for L-tryptophan.

    Also this older study seems to support a rich carb diet http://www.ajcn.org/content/77/1/128.abstract

    But perhaps supplements are not a good idea .. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/5-hydroxytryptophan-000283.htm

    I am just looking to find out how much diet may ‘help’ with ADHD. Carbohydrates more so than protein may help. Not sure.

    What have you found about diet and ADHD that might help ?


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