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A "New Here" and a "Thank You"

A "New Here" and a "Thank You"2010-12-18T13:12:44+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Finding Help A "New Here" and a "Thank You"

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    Post count: 14413

    I’ve checked this site before, but just joined last night. In October I finally PERSUADED my shrink to start me on meds after taking a Conners test with my counselor. As others say, I have always known there was “something wrong with me”. I had wanted to join sooner, but was concerned about my level of commitment; it’s hard to stay “regular” at anything, but reconsidered when I realized that if anybody could unerstand, it would be members of this group. Just want to say thanks to the founders and members here, because I think, after reading so many posts that sound so much like my story, I’ve found a place of understanding and acceptance.


    Post count: 140

    Welcome, Irisheyes!:) Hope all goes brilliantly for you with the meds.


    Post count: 14413

    Here’s to liberating ourselves from our former “illusions” of the world, and taking back our lives!!! YAY!

    *high five*

    * Love & Respect to ALL ♥ From Huntington Beach, CA

    ~ Maribel

    ( i just joined today, and feeling SO empowered already : D )


    Post count: 14413

    I too have finally realized after seeing the show and now joining this site at age 54 I have had ADD all along since childhood. My life has become so chaotic and unmaneageble , losing relationships ,things, close to bankruptcy,anxiety ,depression that for breif moments I have thought that maybe it would be better if I wasnt around .. NOT NOW I have a new lease on life and hope knowing that that Im not alone and there is a reason Im like I am and I`m OK- it will be OK .This site and show and everyone involved are litterally life savers.Sorry for the long post but I feel reborn THANK YOU ALL Steve


    Post count: 546

    hi steve I feel you pain I am in the same boat as you read you will see I have spent alot of time being sad of the past . I am learnining that it is the past you can’t change . I am hoping to have a big effect on my future. the meds are working because this is the second time I am tyiping this post i had it almost all typed hit the wrong button and it was gone . if i was not on the meds I would have just got upset and quit, because I have always been in a hurry,and have no patience.then I would have just walked awy from the computer. so welcome and I am looking foward to reading about some big changes in your future as you deal with your add and your past making sure you use those things to build the future you want. so wellcome and best of luck.


    Post count: 14413

    I am in construction and when Im busy Im relatively ok but when we get slow I get parilized with anxiety and restlessness and can not finish quotes and follow up on calls to the point that I lose work from not getting back to potential clients I at times become housebound from stress and anxiety some of my friends that dont know as much as I do are millionairs and Im in debt and no savings for the future .Everyone tells me that when the want it done right have me and my sons do it but I still feel like a failure


    Post count: 31

    Welcome Irisheyes! I know how ya feel. I like to join all sorts of forums that have my interests but I always fall away eventually because I feel like I have nothing to add to them. I just never seem to commit to making friends, even if it’s online. But this site is the first I’ve been on that I just seem to belong… finally.! I mean.. what better place to experience all that crazyness in my head than somewhere populated by those who are feeling the same way?


    Post count: 546

    the funny thing about adhd is we might be all the same in name but when we look at every ones story we are as diferent as the stars in the sky. so next time you are troubled and the stars are out just look up and see your not alone. we might be the same in nane, yet not so alike as not to be spiecal then to look around and find a part of every ones story tosee we all fit together.

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