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December 15, 2010 at 3:32 pm #88809
AnonymousInactiveDecember 15, 2010 at 3:32 pmPost count: 14413Hi all, I just watched the show the other day and what jumped out at me was the symptom of addiction. Being in a 12 step program I found this very enlightening. like another piece to the puzzle. Is anyone else in here in a 12 step…is this wdespread? thanks for any input!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 15, 2010 at 6:21 pm #97872
AnonymousInactiveDecember 15, 2010 at 6:21 pmPost count: 14413The show which I also saw talked about the polar extremes. Not just addiction but also avoidance. In my adolescent years I avoided sex which led to rumors about me being queer whhich in addition to my adhd got me beat up alot. In my adult years I went a complete 180 and went into a full blown sexual addiction spending large sums of money on any way I could get it-with a woman-and put my health at risk many times. I’m glad I survived with everything intact-except my finances. Don’t get me wrong I love the female form but I’m more judicious about it. I can spot a bad girl or any girl that has much form but no substance and move on without trouble. It took me until my 30s to get there. I indulge in the sensual pleasures now and again but I don’t let myself get dragged into anything I don’t want to do. There was that brief exception a few years ago when my Mom died that I was trying to bury my grief in sex left and right but for the most part I’m stable. If that was more than what you wanted to hear my apologies. Hope this helps.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 17, 2010 at 3:56 am #97873Have dabbled in 12 step meetings, but so far have been unable to commit to staying. I go back and forth between wanting to quit drinking altogether and then the fog comes down over my brain and I drink the beer in the fridge.
My problem is one of being proned to binging when I drink in social situations, or when I just tell my self it’s party time with my husband and let myself drink up.I have a 3 year old son to take care of, and I have been hungover having to be mom the next day on occasion. Some people don
t seem to think that this is a problem, but I am not so sure. I drink a lot less than I used to, but whenever I do over-drink, I always wake up at 3 in the morning with massive anxiety and I can
t sleep for the rest of the night, and of course I feel horrible the next day.That all being said, I used to be a party animal, and I am damn sure that has to do with my high stimulation seeking nature. In those days, it was definitely getting to be a problem, even a dangerous one, because I started to have black outs. I quit right before I found out I was pregnant (!) and didn
t drink at all while I was pregnant. I started again after my son was born. Even though I can say my drinking isn
t quite as worrisome as it used to be, I just don`t know if I should be doing it at all.I think that there is alot of evidence out there that there are a high amount of a.d.d er`s who are either alcohol and drug abusers or addicts.
I would say that just from my personal experience having many friends who have had drug and alcohol problems, many, many of them where a.d.d. Whether officially or not, I don
REPORT ABUSEt know, but I
ve always been pretty good at spotting my own kind.December 17, 2010 at 8:24 pm #97874For me, meds helped tremedously with binge drinking. I started Adderall XR in 2006. I drank a few times socially after going on the meds, but then stopped drinking completely. No more cravings or impulsive yearnings for beer. I had no idea this would happen.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 18, 2010 at 8:37 pm #97875Wow,
REPORT ABUSEve been on adderall, and I don
t recall this happening to me, but I usually let it wear off by the evening, when its usually partytime. I have definitely wondered about the binge drinking or alcohol abuse was related to my a.d.d. (well and I
m Irish, Scottish, German and English, so maybe that explains some of it!) Ive done some google searches using
alcohol abuse and A.D.D
but I haven
t come up with any thing compelling so far, but I`d love to explore this topic further.December 18, 2010 at 9:58 pm #97876I was not even considering this effect, certainly a suprise. I realize the Adderall wears off by substantially evening- normally when I’d start pounding them down. It definately helped me to find discipline in diet and excersise. I took up running, primarily because I can do it during my work day by finding just the right time to do it. Also helped me to stop binge eating. I still struggle with this from time to time. I don’t buy bad stuff but if it is available I tend to overdo it. All in all this drug has helped me a great deal. After finding this site and all the related info, I feel like I’ll be able to fill in the blanks.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 19, 2010 at 4:57 am #97877
AnonymousInactiveDecember 19, 2010 at 4:57 amPost count: 14413Just chiming in here on the 12 step thing. I have dabbled in 12 step programs for sex/love addiction. I think the ADHD is a very big piece of the addiction puzzle for me. Sex is just one more way for me to find stimulation and novelty. It is definitely one thing i am hoping the meds will help with, and absolutely something I will be working on in therapy.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 21, 2010 at 4:04 pm #97878
AnonymousInactiveDecember 21, 2010 at 4:04 pmPost count: 14413I’ve been in a 12 step program for almost 20 years. It’s helped immensely with my life and my behavior. I still have ADD behavior and I’m on medication. Was careful and talked to my Psychiatrist and Sponsor about the meds and got the green light. I haven’t taken a drink in a long time, but still use the 12 steps to clean up any wreckage I create at home, at work, and with friends that my behavior creates. Sometimes life is still unmanageable, but I think the 12 steps, having a home group, and using my sponsor give me direction and hope and provide structure that I need to survive as an alcoholic in recovery and a man who lives with ADD. Structure is such a big key for me… Also, finding a higher power is most important.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 21, 2010 at 8:46 pm #97879I am an alcoholic and have been sober for almost 21 years. I didnt know about my ADD at the time but it all makes sense when I found out. I think it would have helped me in my recovery but i dont think it would have changed the fact that i’m a drunk. In my experience and what research I have done it seems common that we get two for ones or three for ones. If we have one thing wrong with us we usually have at least one more.
In my opinion, just my opinion we need to be careful about anything we put in our body. It would seem that we have very sensitive chemical balances and we need to not put them out of whack. It would seem that self medication is popular in our circle so we just naturally increase our odds of becoming addicted. For some normal people they dont drink to excess because there is no side benefit. They feel good and if they drink too much they are hung over the next day. For me it was wow I am on to something here. It gave me self confidence, mellowed me out etc.
the 12 steps put my life back together and I dont think i would have even discovered my ADD if i was still drinking. Addiction is very common for us just some people gravitate to sometimes less obvious addictions sex, gambling and some gravitate to more socially acceptable ones like being workaholics.
Also it is important to note that if you are using anything that gets you high (boozes, drugs) or sex, porn, gambling you truly are making your doctors job almost impossible as he has no idea what is or isnt working for you as they is a not a controlled environment because we are changing chemical inputs into the body. In other words the dr can ask how u are doing and u say i have been on top of the world this week and he thinks hey this meds are working, he didnt know you have been smoking pot every night. that kind of stuff changes things.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 21, 2010 at 10:50 pm #97880
AnonymousInactiveDecember 21, 2010 at 10:50 pmPost count: 14413I have to agree with Louie. Keep in mind that this is MY experience. Without the 12 Steps, sponsorship, and a higher power, I’d be dead…and for sure wouldn’t be able to identify my own ADD.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 21, 2010 at 11:20 pm #97881
AnonymousInactiveDecember 21, 2010 at 11:20 pmPost count: 14413I was in a 12 step program and did the steps twice. It helped me to learn some things about myself, however it did not fix the problem. My sons’ school ( teachers and principle said that my kids appeared to have A.D.H.D. I told them that I was worse as a kid, they just smiled as to say….we figured that. In fact they said that they thought I had O.D.D. I didn’t know what it was at the time but laughed afterward because they would always have about 5 teachers there when they knew I was coming in ). Also my sponsor and a few other people in AA said outright that I was different from them. They said that they drank and acted nutty. Where as I act nutty, drank, did drugs and they made me act somewhat normal. My wife liked it when I drank because she said I was a much happier person. In fact they made me feel better up-until the calming effect stopped working. That believe it or not is why I went to AA. I was hoping they could restore the calming effect that the drinking and marijuana had on me. I know it sounds funny but at the time I was desperate. I followed the program religiously thinking it was my saving grace, yet it didn’t do the trick. I did not even imagine that A.D.H.D. was the problem. In fact I was a staunch believer that A.D.H.D did not exist. Surprise surprise!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 22, 2010 at 3:59 am #97882>>In my opinion, just my opinion we need to be careful about anything we put in our body. It would seem that we have very sensitive chemical balances and we need to not put them out of whack.<<
AMEN – even certain foods make me feel “differently” or more alert, or less alert.
I don’t have any “chemical addictions” to any liquid, solid or powdered substances…..
BUT – I DO wonder sometimes if I don’t have other addictions and just don’t know it……………..
Luckily, I honestly rarely have a drink – and when I do, I limit myself as I don’t like the “out of it” feeling I get, and I do get really stupid acting. I’d be a really “bad drunk” if that’s the right term. Other drugs, etc. – too scary, way too scary. one never knows if you’ll have a simple allergic reaction that can kill. I mean, really, I nearly died from antibiotic shot when I was a kid. I need to know what it is, how it acts, etc. before I’ll even take a prescribed pill.
Oddly enough, when I DO have a beer – or some wine, or whatever, for the first few minutes, I actually think more clearly, and oddly, HEAR better. Then the good effects quickly wear off and I simply feel, well, like I’ve had a drink or two.
I’m to the point I won’t even drive after 1 beer – I’ve got to stop the drink, and it’s got to fully wear off before I’ll sit in the seat. I got really scared a few times a few years ago when I friend and I used to go out and that’s stuck with me.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 22, 2011 at 6:02 pm #97883
AnonymousInactiveJuly 22, 2011 at 6:02 pmPost count: 14413Hi again everybody. chiming back in here. I have been taking Vyvanse for my ADHD for ohh..*looks at calender* about 8 months now. I can’t even begin to describe the difference the medication (and the diagnosis itself) have made in terms of my sex addiction.
The urges are not completely gone, but they are minimal. And when they do come up, I can step back adn realize “This is the ADDiction talking” If I acknowledge the voice, examine why I feel that way (usually I’m stressed or bored) and do something about it, or just do SOMETHING to distract myself, it goes away!!
More and more often I am running across articles that link addiction (any kind) and ADHD. The diagnosis and meds have also helped with my binge eating.
Basically, the diagnosis told me I wasn’t crazy (well, I am, but it’s fun crazy, not bad crazy) and let me understand how my brain worked. The medication helped quell the boredom and frustration that brought the urges on, as well as helping me take a second to THINK before I acted.
I think that ADDers can use the HALT theory, even if they are not addicts.
Never let yourself get too
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2012 at 3:15 am #97884
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2012 at 3:15 amPost count: 14413I don’t think that ADHD leads to addiction, just substance abuse. Adiction is a genetic disease that can be triggered by substance abuse. Not all people who use drugs are addicts, just those who can’t control their intake.
REPORT ABUSEJune 29, 2012 at 5:26 am #97885
AnonymousInactiveJune 29, 2012 at 5:26 amPost count: 7New member as of today and would like to share my own experience. 62 year female thinks staying home is so unproductive. Projects everywhere and I cant seem to stay focused enough to get anything done. Dont have enough time to work on one thing and finish so I put off. what I do like to do is have a list of things to do for the day running errands in my car. I find this very rewarding. People say I’m never home and they are right. Staying home can be discouraging. I come up with ideas all the time and keep adding to the projects,. I do hate that cycle but not the creativity. I also am a perfectionist which gets in the way of being a housekeeper at the hospital, my performance is not up to par. There is so muich more about my struggle that I hope to share over time Like is this a shopping addiction?
God is good and I believe He does not want us feeling defeated with this but rather victorious. There is hope.