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ADD and anxiety and ADD and premenauposal

ADD and anxiety and ADD and premenauposal2010-12-10T01:41:29+00:00

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  • #88654

    Post count: 14413

    I have two questions:

    1- Along with ADD, I’ve been diagnosed with severe anxiety. My Concerta prescription has just been upped from 18 mg (which didn’t do a thing for ADD symptoms but got me a bit febrile) to 27 mg. I think Concerta is not recommanded for people with anxiety. I’m starting the new dosage saturday and it scares me. Am I at risk of having something like a heart attack?

    2- I’m pretty sure I’m premenopausal. For the last 2 or 3 years nothing’s been working for me. I’m having a real bad time. I’m more forgetful than ever. The tricks I had to function (I had tricks to function and didn’t know I had ADD lol!) don’t work anymore. Since I’ve found out last spring that I had ADD, I now realise that, in fact, all ADD symptoms are exacerbated. Are doctors beginning to, maybe, realising than menopause affects ADD?

    Thanks :)


    Post count: 47

    Moka, I don’t have any expertise, but I have been wondering the same thing. I am of this age also, and my ability to keep a job is diminished greatly. Symptoms more so, been dxd for several years, but not compliant as I should/could be. I have noticed that the Methelphinadate has helped my anxiety in the day time…I have tried meditation and Tai Chi in the past, and both were helpful. I still can sit and be still but it is very challaging…will check back and see what comes up. Thanks for the thread..


    Post count: 14413

    I feel you moka. I was on adhd pills from the age of 3 til the age of 23 and I got anxiety from them. I’m taking antianxiety meds now. I’ve had people suggest that I go back on adhd meds to improve my focus but no way dude. I don’t want to experience those terrifying panic attacks again. So I just do the best I can with therapy. Luckily I have a decent shrink helping me out. Adhd meds do come with side effects and depending on one’s body chemistry they can be quite acute so its important to weigh the pros and cons and to have a psychiatrist shadow you closely. I don’t blame the docs or my mom for giving me the meds for leading me to the situation in which i have anxiety. Hyperactive children are a challenge to deal with and cannot make use of therapy because of the lack of cognitive development. I just felt that I should have gotten off of them sooner than I did. It made holding a job difficult. I’m on disability now and have been trying to get back on the horse job wise but this recession is making things difficult.


    Post count: 14413

    Wow! This topic I had started disappeared from my profile. I had no idea anyone had responded to it. The administrators of this site really should alloy us to keep in our profile all topics we participate on (without us having to refer to the RSS feed).

    For the menopausal thing, my doctor doesn’t beleive me so for meds or tests… how do you say… up the creek without a paddle?

    For the anxiety, a coach is giving me tricks to prevent the attacks. I’m doing my best to make it work ’cause I want the special attention I get at work from all of this, to end.

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