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ADD and chronic anxiety

ADD and chronic anxiety2010-12-18T05:27:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ADD and chronic anxiety

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    Lindstr7 – The doc who diagnosed me was a neuropsychologist from the private health services. It cost me a lot. My neurologist is from the public health services. I had to get on a list to get one. After a few months, I got a call. One was available to take me as a client or else I would have to wait another few months. So I said yes. I should have asked if he knew about ADD but didn’t think of it. Actually I kinda figured every neurologist did. So if I want to change doc I’ll have to probably put myself back on the list and wait for months (could take up to a year).

    I will express to him the fact that the higher the dosage the more jittery I get. He works in a hospital. Maybe he’ll consult a colleague? Once he left for a few minutes after I talked to him. I think that’s what he did. I didn’t go to him for headaches at all (although I am suffering from those a lot, but I can deal with them). I’ve been told he is one of the best for migraines. ADD is just not his field of expertise. He listens to me but I feel like he is dismissing what I say. I’ll take your advice though and see how it goes.

    Thanks :-)

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