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Adderall XR Compassionate help for those in BC Canada – 90 days no cost.

Adderall XR Compassionate help for those in BC Canada – 90 days no cost.2012-03-10T20:02:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Adderall XR Compassionate help for those in BC Canada – 90 days no cost.

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    I did some digging, have not tried this yet. You get the form from your doctor. The email address for Shire in Canada is: receptionvsl@shire.com this value is about $600.00 based on my cost of about $199/month or so.

    Once you see your doctor: I (Shire reception) have a copy as do the medical reps. S/he or her assistant just has to phone me and I can fax it to the office.

    Thank you for your inquiry about our Compassionate program for ADDERALL XR.

    Yes, we do have a program in place. The patient must be at least six years old.

    The request to participate must come from your doctor. There is a simple one page form to be fill out, that would be faxed back to me for authorization. Once authorized the representative in the doctor’s area would bring him/her a “Smart Card”. This card is good for 90 days and is completely free. If the circumstances of the patient has not changed for the better, the doctor may reapply for another card. The card will not be automatically renewed. A new request must be filled in. It usually takes about five working days from the time I receive the request to the time the representative receives the card,

    Please feel free to show this email to your doctor. Included below is my telephone number and fax. Our office hours are 9-5 EST.

    Best regards,

    Carol-Anne Routhier

    Shire Canada Inc, 2250 Alfred Nobel Blvd Suite 500, St-Laurent, QC H4S2C9

    1-866-397-4473, ext:232300, 514-787-2300 (Fax: 514-787-2427)

    Reception/Admin. Services/ ADDERALL XR Compassionate Program

    To be as brave as the people we help.

    S’inspirer du courage des personnes que nous aidons.

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