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ADHD and a Bad Temper

ADHD and a Bad Temper2019-05-23T21:31:59+00:00

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  • #132087

    Post count: 24

    Does adhd and a bad temper go hand and hand? I was just curious. I have the combined hyperactive/inattentive type and my fuse can be very short at times. I’m not proud of it, but I have been arrested and had court dates because of my impulsive actions when I am angry. When I get angry,my first instinct is to hit and usually the urge overcomes me before I stop and think. Inside m brain, it is like there is a Ferrari in there with no brakes and no way to down shift. I have been working with my doctor on this. Can anyone else relate and any creative tips to help besides the usual breathe and count to ten (which doesn’t work)?


    Post count: 1

    My temper can flare pretty quickly.

    I find I am easily sucked into responding to situations, and my typical response is to get defensive, and then I escalate pretty quickly.

    Find what works for you – perhaps walking away, or making a mental note that when you feel a little warm faced / (or whatever pre-trigger you identify) that you have an action plan to act on.

    To be honest, it doesn’t always work, even whilst being cognizant of it as I have put into place a plan for myself.

    If it is a loved one, try to explain your love for them, your care for them – and your desire to not have the behavior.

    It may also help if you have a relationship with that person, to ask that they signal / cue you in to when you are heating up a bit.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by nerdyguy87.

    Post count: 24

    That is exactly how I am. Knock on wood I haven’t lost my cool in a while because I am starting to recognize the signs of my temper coming on and walking away rather than allowing myself to get sucked into a potentially bad situation

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