I watched a Ted Talk video discussing Alzheimers. The woman talked about how Alzheimers affects the brain and how neuroplasticity has been found to replace the damaged neurons with new ones. She went on to say that keeping the mind active, learning new things and overcoming new challenges was keeping an Alzheimers sufferer from even showing signs of the disease.
What I am wondering is this. As an ADHDer my brain doen’t shut off. I am constantly changing focus to new topics and learn new things as a result. At times I can hyper focus on something and get to understand it very well. I can tell you a lot about steel frame construction, Sterling engines, and building a tiny home just to name a few. Because of this constant learning that I do am I less likely to suffer from the symptoms of Alzheimers in the future? Has anyone read any articles that link ADHD and Alzheimers in any way?
Just another one of those things that make me go hmmmmmm……
AKA That Guy with ADHD