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ADHD and LDs

ADHD and LDs2010-12-06T18:01:52+00:00

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  • #88717

    Post count: 14413

    I have been diagnosed with ADHD and an LD ( i think in pseudo word decoding…basically reading).

    My problem is that I cannot write. When I try to formulate sentences my brain doesn’t work. I have the thought I know the answer but I can never say it. saying/spreaking words ..well sentences is a bit easier then writing, but it is still as if my brain can’t speak English. I have always had this, i didnt really know that what I was having trouble with, wasn’t “normal” until highschool. My history teacher said that getting the information and writing your thesis was the hardest part of essay once you have that writing the essay should be easy , but it wasn’t Writing was the hardest part. I would go in circles with my writing, and yes some of it was ADHD and found that I would always get marks off for “not being clear” , teachers would always tell me to keep it simple but thats the problem i cant! I feel as if there is a seperate problem than ADHD

    I know this is primarily an ADHD site but I was wondering do I have a ..idunno..wrtiting LD, or is that what speudo word decoding is (i thought it was just reading words and sounding them out) are there ways to deal with this?


    Post count: 546

    hi i found out from my assesment that I have six different areas along with my adhd. the most help I have found was at my local branch of learning desabilitiys ascoteation. sorry for the selling. they have been agreat help to me. good luck.


    Post count: 14413

    It’s not the ADHD that is the biggest problem, it’s the LD that I believe really gives us ADDers the most problem!


    Post count: 226

    When I had two thesis in one essay. This happened a lot if the essay was more then three pages.

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