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ADHD – Bi-Polar – Schizophrenia

ADHD – Bi-Polar – Schizophrenia2013-03-08T16:12:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADHD – Bi-Polar – Schizophrenia

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  • #119478

    Post count: 32

    I have ADHD, as do two of my three children.  The 3rd feels she has ADHD and will be seeing a medical professional soon.  One of my children with ADHD was just diagnosed as being bi-polar.  Neurological disorders runs in my family.  My Mother shows all the signs of being ADHD, one of my sisters is likely bi-polar and one of my brothers takes medication for schizophrenia.  I can easily see how medical professionals can misdiagnose a person.  It seems that there are similarities between all of the disorders of the brain.  I’m very interested in learning more about being bi-polar.  Are there some good websites you can point to?  Also, with so much misdiagnosing being reported these days, isn’t it just prudent to get a 2nd opinion regardless of the diagnosis?   Thanks.   –Chuck-



    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Welcome, @Irish10!

    Quite a few of us here were previously diagnosed with Bipolar or Bipolar II (a milder version), before being diagnosed with ADHD.  I was one of them.

    So many symptoms overlap, and until recently, it was erroneously believed that you outgrew ADHD, so “Bipolar II” was the diagnosis that fit an adult (relatively speaking) like me.   I wonder if that’s why your doctor changed your child’s diagnosis from “ADHD” to “Bipolar”.

    There are some videos here (https://totallyadd.com/category/getting-diagnosed), dealing with getting a diagnosis, and some of the secondary disorders.

    Have you found the Diagnostic Tools page?  (https://totallyadd.com/tools)

    There are several “front-line” tests there, including the Virtual Doctor.  These will at least give you an answer for when your doctor says, “So…What makes you think it’s ADHD?”  And the two of you can discuss it.


    Post count: 845

     I’m very interested in learning more about being bi-polar.  Are there some good websites you can point to?

    Check out http://psychcentral.com/

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