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ADHD research survey

ADHD research survey2011-06-13T02:23:56+00:00
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  • #89563

    Post count: 14413

    I’m an adult who has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. I am also a graduate student at the University of Utah who is studying ADD/ADHD populations to help people, like me, who are struggling with the disorder. Currently, I am conducting a research survey that needs a large number of ADD/ADHD participants. If you could… take ten minutes and fill out the survey I would be grateful. Note: The survey is confidential, anonymous and for educational purposes only. No identifying information will be collected and your answers will not be shared with anyone outside of university faculty involved in the research. You may withdraw at any time.



    Post count: 445

    Hey Sam–you’ve hit the motherload!


    Post count: 14413

    Hey Sam, I filled out your survey, but there was one thing I would suggest modifying. There are times that you refer to ‘drug use’ and I don’t know about you, but I define that as using drugs, legitimately prescribed and taken responsibly or otherwise, so I answered that as such. However, it also seemed that some of the later questions about drug use, seem to be focused more on illegitimate drug use, even though they did not specifically state that, so it might be helpful to always specify weather you are speaking of legitimate or illegitimate drug use on each question, or at the top of the page in a larger font than the questions themselves. Anyhow, interesting survey, hope you get the data you’re looking for!

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