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ADHD services at CAMH

ADHD services at CAMH2010-11-23T15:38:12+00:00

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    Post count: 109

    A while back I brought up my search for a new ADHD specialist, as CAMH has decided that Dr J can no longer treat adults

    The problem is that nobody else in the city can pick up that caseload – even if I managed to find somebody willing to take on a new patient it’s a 100% certainty that they won’t have the expertise that comes from Dr J’s years of experience and research

    Since the child patients could see him through his position at the Hospital for Sick Children (I would think) it seems more logical to me that CAMH keep the adult patients with Dr J

    Apparently nearly ever department at CAMH is doing some kind of research that has an ADHD factor – of course the details had slipped my mind by the time I left the office – and Dr J said he would post the details here so I’m hoping he’ll respond to this thread with that information

    I know there’s one doctor looking at ADHD and Seasonal Affective Disorder (I really must book an appointment with that guy, if only I could remember his name) – and another department has created hyperactive rats…

    Not sure what the powers that be at CAMH are thinking, as every ADD’er that I know is also dealing with issues of depression or substance abuse – and I was once told that we all have some kind of personality disorder – so it’s not like a proper ADHD clinic would take business away from the other areas of the hospital – and NOBODY else in the city is providing these services so what the heck?


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Seasonal Affective Disorder & ADHD…the story of my life right now. And I’m without a psychiatrist to help me, because my psychiatrist at St. Mike’s took on way too many patients, so he’s just had to drop a lot of them, including me.

    My GP doesn’t feel comfortable prescribing new meds, just adjusting the dose of whatever I’m currently on. Not a good situation, when you were diagnosed less than a year ago, and are still trying to find the right med(s).

    My GP will refer me to a specific psychiatrist, if I can find one. If he just writes a blanket referral, I’ll probably end up with a psych who doesn’t believe in adult ADHD. So I am manually searching through the College of Physicians & Surgeons’ website, looking at the registration dates of all 850 psychiatrists serving Toronto, in hopes of finding one who is a recent enough grad to have learned the most up-to-date facts & treatments for adult ADHD. And hoping that, once I find one, he or she will be taking new patients.

    This really sucks.


    Post count: 109

    Try writing a letter to CAMH protesting the loss of Dr. J.

    He used to take on a few new adult patients every summer; I’d love to get the stats on how long the waiting list was! His admin staff has been cut to the bone too.

    I was really lucky to get in when I did, as more recently he’s only been able to take on new adult patients if he was seeing their child. I was actually seeing him for several years myself before he saw my son.

    Good luck to you too!


    Post count: 109

    Now I’m even MORE confused! I recently called Dr. J’s office and his outgoing voicemail message says that he is ONLY taking on adult patients at this time.

    I don’t know what the heck is going on anymore.


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