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Admiring people with mental illness, super wealthy persons

Admiring people with mental illness, super wealthy persons2011-08-18T21:33:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Admiring people with mental illness, super wealthy persons

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    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    FYI: I’m no expert in mental illness. I do not claim be one.

    When it comes to the majority of rich/wealthy, there is an elephant in room no one seems to notice. They are called successful. Something to look up to.

    These people are mentally ill. Do search on Google with their personality:

    mental illness “obsession with power”

    mental illness “obsession with money”

    You get “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” and “Chrematomania obsession with money”.

    Also, I was watching this program on “animal hording” and similar programs on the discovery channel. I thought, “Wait a sec!” My AH-HA moment. All those material possessions, massive mansions, all that excess junk. Hmm, this is just another example of hording.

    So, I coin the term: Wealth Hording

    One example, the Koch brothers, fit these descriptions. So, we have three clear mental disorders on mentally unstable people:

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder


    Wealth Hording

    They think, “Donate to charity? I’ll donate nickels and dimes compared to what earn. Great PR!”

    Question: Why are we worshiping/admiring people who are mentally ill??

    These persons should be locked up in mental asylums for the good of society. Why not? Guess.

    People I will never understand… ??


    Post count: 14413

    I probably shouldn’t say this….. but can’t help myself. The Tea Party= closet psychosis and religious grandiosity lol. Listen to any speeches or articles or interviews and take it in the context as inpatient mental health unit.

    I agree with you that Success as a human being should definitely never be measured in career or wealth. On the other side, no one should be judged for having a mental illness. ADHD is technically a mental illness.

    On the mobile so excuse grammar and that I’ve been up for 24 hours!


    Post count: 14413

    Well…actually Filmbuff, I don’t admire the “super wealthy’…..I don’t really admire anything or anybody just because the media put “super’ in front of the description. My discrimination or criteria for likes and dislikes comes from a moral code within. My morale code is the result of much soul searching and is the compass that drives many of my life choices and decisions…….it is not shaken or directed by popular culture, it is not negotiable.



    Post count: 285

    Fun theory filmbuff! Wealth easily obtained, admiration without having helped anyone, exactly like heroin right? Would you have to be mentally Ill to fall prey? It could probably drive all but the strongest crazy! And run in the family too… Don’t we all want unconditional love and our needs provided without having to constantly negotiate, haggle, beg, be nice to mean people, compromise our dignity…. I think the most difficult is inherited wealth and or privelege. Seriously though, I think it’s a lot easier to have a good moral code when you can see people every day in your life that have been wronged and need help. Much harder when surrounded with spoiled people. Then the poor people aren’t your friend or family member- they’re a criminal in a news article who you think maybe deserves to be poor because look what a nasty person they are. Check out Brett Dennon’s Mosaic Project. Maybe the treatment for the mental illness you speak of!


    Post count: 14413

    agreed with toofat and munchkin.

    munchkin, you bring up a great point of exposure to others. I work in community health so I see those with the greatest need and those greatest affected by legislation passed for the interests of the wealthy. Thus, I have a full perspective. People didn’t have a clue where I grew up (except for my parents and I who have never been wealthy). All they see is money being taken from their taxes and they don’t take the time or energy to explore anything outside their lives and interests. I do have a lot of respect for those who are very wealthy or have grown up in wealth who seek understanding about the rest of the world and use their resources and influence to help others. There are wealthy who support legislature against their financial interests (raising taxes). Microsoft is shady as a company, but I respect Bill Gates who gives millions to help people and is convincing billionaires to give everything to charity upon death.

    I was going to use my aunt, uncle, and cousin’s family as an example of people who are not exposed to non-spoiled people….but this fails because they have been..and well.. still think they are better than other people. so this is more cruelty than ignorance

    —as a FYI, I’m in the US. where politics is essentially all out war without the weapons

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