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AHHHHH I'M STARVING!!!! or Parental Advice

AHHHHH I'M STARVING!!!! or Parental Advice2015-03-07T23:39:19+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families AHHHHH I'M STARVING!!!! or Parental Advice

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    Post count: 11

    Advice for Parents:
    As a child I would run up to my Mother and yell “AHHHH I’M STARVING” probably more often then I should have, but for good reason! (at least to me) Her response, the expected “You’re not starving, you’re just a little hungry”. Well no, I probably wasn’t starving in the dictionary sense of the word, but I did have seriously bad hunger pains. I would run(like really fast) around all day and totally forget to eat. So after six or seven hours I was feeling more than a little hungry.
    These days I still forget to eat, but I just turn to my wife and say “I’m all of a sudden incredibly hungry, can you grab me anything to eat.” She knows I’m ADHD and probably just forgot to eat.
    So if you’re one of those lucky parents that have suddenly starving children, please check to see if they have any other ADHD qualities before dismissing the dramatics.
    …so hungry, took forever to write this…


    Post count: 1096

    I hope that since it’s International Women’s Day today, when you feel hungry and “just turn to your wife and say “I’m all of a sudden incredibly hungry, can you grab me anything to eat“………. you change it around to “I’m incredible hungry, can I get you something to eat too”.  🙂

    Sorry……I couldn’t resist the feminist dig.  🙂

    This is the point where you tell me you have a phobia about cooking or a physical infirmity which means your food has to be prepared for you and then I feel guilty about my comment for the next 10 years.





    Post count: 11

    I did not realize such a day existed. There are so many days set for so many different things that they have all lost their meanings to me, and I have stopped paying attention to them.
    How ever I do recognize them when pointed out. So Happy (belated) International Women’s day! I shall make my wife a (belated) breakfast surprise!
    And thanks for letting me know!


    Post count: 845

    You obviously haven’t stocked your first aid kit with emergency Twinkies.


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