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    Post count: 14413


    I’m getting lost in the world wide web so I thought I’d better ask you all some questions. (I will try to keep this short!)

    I’ve been diagnosed 3 months(?) ago and have been taking Ritalin and Cognitive behavioral therapy since. Things really got better for me. Untill 2 weeks ago. I had a session of an hour with my therapist and I was a mess. Could’nt finish any sentences, forgot what question she had asked when I was halfway the answer etc. etc. (you know ;-) )

    The next morning I woke up with a swolen face, out of breath and really really tired. This happens to me on a regular bases (for at least the past 15 years), I never knew what it was. I went to the doctor and was (eventually) tested on allergies. I found out I am allergic to house dust mite and pollen.

    (I’m also allergic to penicilline and tend to have allergic (or sensitive?) reactions to facialcream, bathfoam etc.)

    So I have some questions on allergies. Does anyone know a good website with info on ADHD and Allergies? I know that ADHD is usually associated with food allergies. Does anyone know anything about inhalation allergies?

    And If ADHD is caused or affected by allergies will a Histamine antagonist work?

    There seems to be a lot of proof on the relationship between (food) allergies and ADHD. Then why doesn’t my doctor / psychiatrist / psychologist tell me anything about it? Is there no scientific proof?

    And last but not least: Do you guys have allergies? Do you feel they affect your AD(H)D?


    Post count: 14413

    I have allergies. I get shots 1x a week and recently had sinus surgery for polyps. Recently replaced carpeting and placed two dogs to good homes. Not sure it is connected to ADD. I still have 2 cats.

    I would follow up with allergy doc regarding nasal sprays etc. Good Luck.


    Post count: 303

    There are some people, from what I’m told, who get hyper from wheat gluten (the binding agent in bread), but that’s celiacs, and an intolerance due to the lack of an enzyme, and not a true allergy. Celiacs is indicated by lots of digestive issues, whereas allergies tend to come with rashes or anaphalaxis (swelling, esp. the throat, which is why it’s dangerous).

    The good news is that actual allergies are cyclical and you should have them tested every seven years or so. After becoming rather abnormally rashy and lethargic around puberty, I was tested and was found to be allergic to hops and whole wheat. I was recently tested again at 35, and showed no sign of those allergies. This was confirmed by me eating lots of good bread and drinking lots of good beer :)

    As far as ADD goes, when I used to get into whole wheat (allergic), thinking it was white (not allergic- the allergen was bleached out) I was far from hyper. I was completely knocked out for hours. I’d also wake up with a rash all over.

    I’ve heard some things like berries cause hyperactivity to get worse, but I haven’t seen the research (although I’m open to reading, if anyone else knows where to find it), just anecdotal stuff. I never tested positive for allergies to berries. However, what I read didn’t claim allergies, but some sort of dietary reaction other than that. There definitely seems to be a dietary link to ADD where Omega 3 is concerned, and I’ve read that ADD kids have more food allergies, but I’m not sure if it’s causative or correlative.

    FWIW, my brothers and my father also have ADD and they have no history of allergies. I’m the only one in my family that has any allergies whatsoever. The thought has been put out there that it’s not that ADD is a factor, as much as estrogen, in my case. Would love to see legitimate research on that, too. I’m sure it’s all out there, but it would require a lot of hyperfocus on the internet, right now.


    Post count: 14413

    Hey, thanks for your responses, have been busy with getting better the past few months. Reading forums and blogs was not part of that.

    Found out I have ‘histamine intolerance’ and yes, there’s research that shows a connection with AD(H)D…

    (ate re-heated chicken last night. Today I’m TOTALLY ADD!)

    In short: ..’While histamine release is known to be involved in the sneezing, coughing and runny noses associated with the common cold, the authors noted that this compound also affects transmission of nerve signals in the brain. They explained that children with these gene variations had trouble degrading the histamine released by their bodies in response to the food additives and that the neurological effects caused by the excess histamine resulted in increased symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).’…


    Post count: 14413

    By the way: why is all ADHD research on children!? Wouldn’t adults be so much better in explaining what’s going on!?


    Post count: 14413

    Oh, AND: did I mention that my anti-histamine pills work MUCH better than the Ritalin I’m taking!?!?


    Post count: 14413

    I’m really quite pissed off about having to take allergy pills. When I went for a sleep study 20 years ago, the doc talked me out of a narcolepsy diagnosis and when I pleaded with him for something to take because I was having sleep problems, he prescribed amitryptyline, a low-dose antidepressant, to help me “unwire” before bed. It helped a bit, but I stopped taking it about 4 years ago or so. I was doing a lot of meditation at the time, and my teacher at that time thought I didn’t need it, so I stopped it.

    I stopped cold turkey, apparently not a good thing to do. Within a few days I was at the walk-in clinic because I could not stop scratching/itching. I was actually drawing blood it was so bad. I didn’t think it was related to stopping the meds. The doc there said “don’t use soap except on the parts that are really necessary, it’s just winter itchies” and prescribed some cortisol cream. Thankfully I got an appointment to see my GP, who wasn’t in, and I saw a locum (think that’s right), who said, you need an anti-histamine, and that’s what was in the amitryptyline (elavil). I believe that years of taking that drug caused the dependence on anti-histamine, since I don’t have allergies (other than asthma, which has worsened in the past few years). My ADD psych said amitryp has a lot of side effects and he would not have prescribed it.

    So I have been on a prescription version of Reactine since then. I test it every once in awhile by taking a drug holiday, but somewhere between 48 and 72 hours I will start to itch, sometimes severely, again. So I am now dependent on this drug and quite pissed off about that, along with the misdiagnosis about narcolepsy years ago.

    I was almost diagnosed with textbook ADHD this year but the ADD specialist asked me to have a sleep study, since the sleep problems had come back with a vengeance. Diagnosis this time: narcolepsy. Treatment? psychostimulant drugs. Effectiveness? Pretty darned good, not perfect, but good enough to get my life back to what is now the new normal. If ADD is still part of the picture, apparently it’s further down the list.

    I did do a 3 month self-directed trial of Ritalin prior to the sleep study, and it had no effect on the itchiness, I still have to take the cetrazine prescription meds.

    I am learning, from listening to people with narcolepsy and ADHD, that different drugs will work for different people. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem with amitryptyline (elavil).


    Post count: 14413

    Winter-itchies……hahahahahahaha. That’s funny N_dop……..just got up, stumbled out make coffee, and see what you guys were up to…..got my AM smile….thanks!!!

    Every morning 1/2 a 20mg Reactine, (script not over the counter) it’s cheaper to buy 20s and split them. Skin skin skin, such an imperfect covering eh??? I eventually went to a naturopath……..took one year………..did exactly what she said….took her supplements every day. Voila!!!! Cured!!!

    Modern medicine couldn’t do it in 25 years….(that’s not a figure of speech)…..my Naturopath did in one year. Here is what she said… your problem is on the inside……not the outside. They found as had build-ups of yeast, fungus, and other shit in my body. She changed my diet, made me take some horrible supplements, some were ok…….and now it’s 2 &1/2 years Wooooohoooo.

    Still have to watch what I eat…….and take care of my self but man……what a difference. Still get the winter-itchies but that is livable.

    oh ya…….MSG will blow me up like a cheap tire!!!! Horrible shit, and bad bad for you!!!!



    Post count: 14413

    toofat – you’re welcome for the amusing image of my totally distressing moment – no amount of meditation training was able to prepare me for the inability to control those itches! Everyone said “stop itching” but I just couldn’t. When I get the itchies now (if I forget my meds), it starts in a predictable place, like my baby or middle toe.

    I was prescribed the 20s and I cut them in half, it’s cheaper and it’s also covered by my husband’s insurance plan (grateful to have one).

    I saw a homeopath about 10 years ago (prepping for jaw surgery) who said that skin problems were better than problems that don’t “surface”. I am tempted to try a naturopath but not sure how to choose a good one. Any suggestions? Do you still take the supplements that were recommended or were you able to stop after a year?


    Post count: 14413

    Sorry No-Dop….but your description hit me well!! Having said that….I am going to steal your “winter-itchies’ phrase……I loved it!!f!

    Ok I’ll focus…….sorry.

    The products were Candicin – one cap twice daily with meals

    Citricidal – the horrible stuff – mix 5 drops with small glass of water and womp it back once a day. Do not taste it or touch it to your skin it will burn….it’s rank shit!!!

    Then there was a diet….no breads, cereals, grains, beef is best, no pork products, som,e fish like white fish and salmon, pumpkin seeds, eggs, lettuce is fine, swiss chard, no carrots, corn or corn products,cut out most fruit it makes sugar, fish oils are good, cut most seasonings, no coffee no tea (except green), no fruit juices, no soda. That’s the main part of the diet anyway…the list of do’s and don’ts is huge.

    The idea was to kill all of the things that feed yeast, fungus and bad bacteria in your body. As we get older it gets quite toxic…from there we fed the natural good bacteria. So far it’s amazing!!!

    No…… I stopped taking the remedies this summer, I did carry them on for two years before I decided to stop.. the diet I am mindful and always will be although, I can eat almost anything in moderation. Things like tomatoes and spices I need to watch…….and a few other things like bread intake or corn.

    I just checked the net…….there is information regarding those products (above)…..so, there you go. i don’t know where you live but if you want I could pass on my Naturopath’s contact information????

    Oh ya….one more thing, I do have a topical ointment from the dermatologist that works for isolated itchy spots. The only thing i’ve found that works….Ratio-Amcinonide 0.1% . Lightly rub a little on the spot once or twice a day…. within two days the itch is gone….BUT….ya gotta leave it alone for those two days!!!!

    Let me know if I can do anything else for you!!!!! I know the distress……



    Post count: 913

    Many soaps will dry your skin – they remove the natural oils and moisturizers built into our skin. If I soap too much in the winter, I itch, too. Bad combo with the Iowa cold DRY weather. My forhead literally flakes just like dead skin, looks nasty in the winter. Not so in the summer.

    Seriously – I think sometimes for things like skin issues, etc – natural remedies and diet are the best bet. Don’t take the comparison wrong – but it really is comparable – our Tonkinese Koko is “self-barbering” – he’s biting hair and licking it out in patches. Vet said very much probably allergies. Good chance it’s a food allergy. Well, if it can happen with a kitty, why not us? Sometimes “moderm medicines” are the answer, and sometimes the answer is much more simple and cheaper and better for us. Bottom line – he gave a shot to get him to stop trimming his already thin Tonk hair, but suggested a diet change. No meds, just change diet. (could be an external allergin, too – that’s yet to be seen)

    IF one can rid themselves of things like diabetes with a good diet, why not some allergies?

    My issue with sleep was SO close to narcolepsy it was scary. They so far had NOT said that is what it was, and it’s really somewhat different, other than the uncontrollable urge to sleep, nap, even only 1 hour after getting up! (a lot of it depends on boredom I’ve found! I believe my ADHD causes me to work SO hard to pay attention, I get into sort of a DAT situation, at other times I can be going very well, and someone will come in to talk, and 5 minutes later they are still there talking, I literally start to yawn and have a nearly uncontrollable urge to fall asleep)

    Anyway, the Adderall XR the gal prescribed for my ADHD? Not having much real impact there (not that I can tell other then I find my self a lot more irritable in spurts, and at other times, I feel like the world is cool and I’m a bit more even-tempered)

    OK, finally, down to it………. the Adderall HAS evened out my sleep! I can now stay awake all day, and when I’m home, I get going in my shop early in the AM and don’t want to stop when evening comes. Work, well, I still get bored there, and the frustrations are many and big, but if I can now at least stay awake)

    I believe the Adderall XR (GENERIC) has helped my sleep issues quite a bit, I “usually” have more energy in a day, stay awake easier, at least until evening, but for the ADHD – not really sure. Time will tell, I guess. It’s only been 2 weeks, and it’s only 20mg and at 200 pounds, is that going to be enough?


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks, toofat and billd. I am a vegetarian/almost vegan so our diet is pretty good. I don’t usually eat bread or pasta, just a lot of fresh veggies, some soy products, some fruit (mostly bananas – for the monkey in me). So not sure what I would leave out. I’m north of Toronto but go into Toronto every 2 weeks, so yes, if you have a naturopath recommendation, I’d consider it.

    billd, didn’t you get a report on your sleep study yesterday? I am glad the meds are helping with your sleep, that makes such a big difference, if you have been following sugargremln and my posts. When the doc diagnosed me with narcolepsy, I was relieved, because from my mom’s experience, I knew that the treatment (stimulants) was going to be the same.

    I would suggest trying some of the suggestions in the post sugargremlin started, about being off the computer, etc. It has made a difference for me, it’s not just meds that we need, we need to look at all of our habits and see what might be impacting it.


    Post count: 913

    Sleep center follow-up is Monday, 2:45 so will see………..

    Oddly enough, except for work where I must be on and with computers all day, I’ve actually slowed down a bit. I used to stay up until like 11 or 11:30 pm on the computer, reading, googling, forums, etc. – many evenings I don’t do more than 30 minutes now, some evenings it’s nothing. Dunno if that’s the adderall or not, but something just feels different now.

    Be careful with bananas and some drugs – can lead to a build-up in potassium from what I’ve heard/read.

    For the most part, the bread I eat now is “potato” bread. Much prefer it over wheat bread or “white” bread.

    For the most part, my allergies are air-borne……. I can eat pretty much anything I want (within reason – as I get older I find moderation helps a lot)

    Oddly enough, I’m not really a huge fan of a lot of meats. While others go crazy over huge steaks, Iowa chops and such, I’m into sea food, fish, shrimp, etc. and some chicken. Not that I don’t eat any cow or pig – just that I’m more of a ground beef or ground pork person. Not a fan of ham, yet like bacon (odd for a former hog farmer, eh?)


    Post count: 14413

    Moose Jaw Naturopathic Clinc – they are very good, don’t know about the distance thing but they can likely refer you in your area.

    phone (306)692-3848

    fax at (306)692-4889



    Post count: 14413

    I don’t know that my allergies have anything to do with ADD, but I have many of them. The only food allergy I know of is red wine. My son with ADHD is allergic to shellfish, especially shrimp. I take Zyrtec daily and for the most part it controls my symptoms. But, I’m prone to bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infections ect due to these allergies. This past summer we got a lot of smoke blown over from forest fires in Idaho that caused our valleys to be filled making it pretty hard to breath. I got a bad case of bronchitis.

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