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Amantadine/Memantine used to treat AD/HD… any experiences?

Amantadine/Memantine used to treat AD/HD… any experiences?2011-10-20T06:05:57+00:00

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    Hey all-

    I’ve been reading ‘Delivered from Distraction’ by Edward Hallowell.

    In the chapter about mediations, he talks about the possibility of using the amantadine to treat ADHD. While there have been no major studies conducted, some doctors have reported phenomenal success prescribing it both in conjunction with, and in place of stimulants. Memantine is a similar medication, and seems to offer the same benefits.

    It is a non stimulant, lasts 24 hours, is taken in syrup form, and apparently has little to no side effects when prescribed correctly.

    I am currently taking Dexedrine. It has given me inconsistent results at the lower doses, but I remain side effect free. Last week my doc finally gave me the go ahead to increase the dose. I now take 20mg short release 3 times a day. For the first few days I felt FANTASTIC. First time I have ever felt REAL symptom relief, and REAL mental clarity. My reading is smoother, and my comprehension is better. I type/write faster, and I don’t pause as much. My speech is also much smoother. I don’t ramble as much, and I don’t choke on my words.

    Today, however, it felt as though it wasn’t quite as effective. My speech, writing, and reading were still better than usual, but I had trouble focusing from time to time, and I my work pace seemed a little off. My energy levels fluctuations were very pronounced too.

    This is an effect that I’ve noticed before with Dexedrine. When I take it for an extended period of time, it looses its effectiveness. Taking a break and starting back up again helps a little, but I seem to build up tolerance quicker each time I restart it. This worries me, as Dexedrine has given me the best relief for the fewest side effects. I don’t like the idea of stopping it.

    Some people report that Amantadine/Memantine taken with amphetamine helps prevent you from building up a tolerance to the amphetamine. So it supposedly improves your functioning without stimulants, and it accentuates the effectiveness of stimulants if you do take them. Sounds almost too good to be true! :)

    I’m going to ask my doctor about these meds. If he gives the go ahead, I plan to try them.

    Does anybody here have experiences with Amantadine/Memantine?

    Here is what others have said: http://www.addforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80317

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