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An update on my Concerta post from November

An update on my Concerta post from November2011-01-21T14:39:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta An update on my Concerta post from November

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    Post count: 14413

    Hi Everyone!

    I hope the new year has been kind to all of you so far.

    Ok, so I started on concerta 11/2/2010, 18mgs..You know the story from my first post, My mind felt at peace, my thoughts stopped racing, talked slower, stopped smoking, reduced my coffee intake and stopped emotionally overeating and lost weight.

    So now 2 months and 20 days later…Same great results with Concerta, I did go up to 27mgs on 11/29/2010. I really feel great. I am able to do things at work, like putting orders in, figuring out costs for people so much better then ever before. I used to stress myself out so much with worry about the future, past and present, now I really enjoy living in the moment and not worrying about the stuff I cant control. I love that I can actually pause and think now before blurting things out, and its great to actually listen to people and not have a constant dialogue running through my mind!

    I still have not smoked and have eliminated coffee and caffiene products entirely. I have lost 32 lbs since11/2/2010 and do not think about food constantly anymore. I still eat but I don’t overeat.

    My daughter got diagnosed with ADHD this past month and started taking concerta 2 weeks ago, she gets the same benefits I have had, she feels so much calmer and can focus at school better than she ever has before.

    Please if you have children and think they may be like you(ADD or ADHD) they might benefit from seeing a professional. I just felt like that if someone would have diagnosed me when I was younger, my life would be so different now, like I might have finished college, or high school would have been so much easier grade wise.

    I just wanted to share my progress so far! Have a great weekend everyone!


    Post count: 14413

    My daughter is 18 and graduating this spring and starting college in the Fall! I am on the left in my pic and she is on the right. I am so excited for her future.


    Post count: 14413

    Congrats! This is a great success story!!!

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