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Anyone interested in chatting on the phone while cleaning/organizing/exercising?

Anyone interested in chatting on the phone while cleaning/organizing/exercising?2011-12-16T22:38:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other Anyone interested in chatting on the phone while cleaning/organizing/exercising?

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  • #90291

    Post count: 14413

    Good day all. A good hack that I have found to assist me in carrying out cleaning, organizing and exercising around the home is to chat on a cordless phone while doing it. I find multi tasking in these particular instances can be more efficient, things get done properly to completion, there can be greater accountability and I can engage my brain talking while doing something that I tend to put off. It also reduces the stress and anxiety of scrambling to do something at the last minute or brow beating myself if I don’t do it. If anyone is interested, has the time to speak for long durations and is comfortable enough to do this please contact me and we can arrange something.

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