The Forums › Forums › Medication › Strattera › Anyone tired Strattera and liked it long term?

September 17, 2016 at 9:46 am #128072
Hi! These boards aren’t terribly active, but I’m hoping someone has some thoughts for me. I have tried both Ritalin and Adderall (generic forms) and I find that at dosages high enough to make a real difference in my day to day life, they make me jumpy and irritable and it feels like my heart is racing. So I’ve been off those for a while. I was thinking about trying a non-stimulant med, but in the meantime I ended up signing up for a level III research study on Dasotraline. Just finished that a couple of weeks ago. I am almost 100% positive I had the placebo. No effects whatsoever, good or bad.
ANYWAY, now I’m back to looking into a non-stimulant medication, and the study doctor suggested I try Strattera and gave me a month’s blister pack of samples to get started. I of course came home and wanted to read about the possible side effects, etc. Then I came here to read personal experiences.
It seems that most people whose experience I’ve read about either stopped the drug very quickly due to side effects or liked Strattera at first but were unable to stay with it due to the side effects.
It makes me VERY nervous to realize this is the same type of drug as Prozac. I was on an SSRI years ago for postpartum depression and anxiety (I now know ADHD was probably a factor there), and while it helped me, I really didn’t like the way I felt on it. I don’t want to feel that way again. It kept the depression and anxiety at bay, but I didn’t feel much joy, either.
Anyway, if you have had an overwhelmingly positive experience with Strattera, or even just an overall positive experience with Strattera, I’d like to hear about it. If you didn’t have a positive experience with it, I’d like to hear why.
Thank you!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 18, 2016 at 11:42 am #128081I tried it for a week (which is the low dose they start you out at) and had some pretty yucky side effects, such as increased anxiety and irritability, sleep disturbance, difficulty urinating, and mystery pain. So, a week is all I lasted!