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Arriving late…

Arriving late…2011-04-12T17:07:24+00:00
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    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    … used to be a problem for me. When I was on time, it’s because I’d driven like I was playing Grand Theft Auto to make up for how late I was.

    The underlying fear/concern/belief was that if I was early, that would be a waste of my time. Whereas driving way over the limit and weaving through traffic and cursing every red light was somehow a good use of my time, and my energy. (It’s actually interesting how much adrenaline and cortisol ages you. Whatever time I saved was probably coming off my lifespan due to stress.)

    The answer has been my cell phone. Like most, it’s got a keyboard and scores of amazing features. So now when I’m early, I’m either send text messages to the kids, recording ideas and thoughts into the Voice Recorder function, making notes on the calendar, or even checking E mail.


    Post count: 227

    A major change for me has come from paying attention to the reminder time in my cell phone calendar. In my system, the reminder defaults to 15 minutes before the appointment. That is often not enough time, so now I book them like this:

    15 min – in-office appt

    45 min – to get downtown

    60 min – to get home

    120 min – doctor’s appt etc.

    An important one is 4 Weeks (yes weeks) for birthdays in order to remember to get a gift.


    Post count: 14413

    Yes! I have learned to use my cell phone for remembering, taking notes, being on time etc. It has gotten to the point where my friends and co-workers hear my phone ringing and say “Your phone is ringing, where you are suppose to be now?” or “What are you suppose to remember to do now?” I have a plethora of coaches that way!

    I also bought a Nook which I now carry so I can read when I’m “early” … which doesn’t happen a lot, but I FEEL better just knowing that if I DO have the “extra” time, I can read from my entire library.

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