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B12- Adderall XR

B12- Adderall XR2011-05-20T16:47:30+00:00

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    Post count: 121

    hey there docs,

    so, i’ve been trying to work on a more holistic way of treating my adhd.

    i’m currently on Adderall XR, 10mg daily. i’m afraid of pushing for more, but am still struggling at ‘holding on’ to that feeling of general focus and energy by the end of the day. my doc suggested i do 20mg a day, one 10 in the am and one 10 in the afternoon. can someone say ‘potential for insomnia’? nope, don’t want it.

    i’ve changed my diet, i’m exercising more regularly and was told that B12 is also something to look into as a way to stay more focued.

    Your thoughts?


    fully understand you’re not my doc, but just wanted to know your general thoughts on the vitamin. thanks for your time


    Post count: 14413

    have you had your b12 levels checked by a doctor recently (i’m not one :D)?

    cos unless you have a diet thats completely devoid of animal products and not very high in vitamin fortified foods (eg: a vegan who doesn’t use fortified soya/rice/nut/whatever milk), or have an absorption problem (either genetic, pernicious anemia, caused by bowel surgery, coeliac disease, lack of intrinsic factor, cos you are eldery and your intenstines suck generally, etc) or use drugs to limit acid (proton pump inhibitors), have a bunch of intestinal parasites that are stealing your nutrients, take metformin for diabetes, or are a chronic alcohol or nitrous abuser… odds are that your b12 level is probably ok.

    …that said, you should have it checked as part of an annual physical, cos your body needs b12 to make blood cells, and being low in it can seriously, sometimes irrepairably screw you up. so yeah- if you’re feeling weak, can’t catch your breath, depressed, have new mental health issues, tingling extremities, numbness, fall over when you shut your eyes, stuff like that, go to the doctor pronto. like PRONTO.

    anyway… i spose you could talk to a dietician/doctor about taking a daily b12 pill if you wanted, i doubt it’d hurt- your body won’t absorb much of it anyway, and only needs a tiny amount (which it can store for yoinks) – the extra would just get pooped out. i can’t see how it’d give you a big energy boost though- especially if your levels are already fine.

    the b vitamins are often claimed to be magic energy giving things- i spose in part thats true, cos your body uses them to make nurotransmittors, cells, etc…and if you’re deficient thats gonna cause you big problems along those lines… but they’re not like amphetamines or super-magic-focus-enhancing-pills or anything. unfortunately. cos then i’d take LOADS of them. :D


    Post count: 303

    Not a doc, either.

    I’ve been taking vitamin B for a couple of years now, at the request of my eye doctor. Supposedly, it helps prevent macular degeneration, which is pretty strong on my mom’s side. As far as ADD goes, I notice absolutely no energy level difference, and my skin isn’t clear, which one label promised.

    Really, I wonder if any doctor could tell you for sure, except your own. I just notice that I process meds so differently from others, I’m thinking it’s a very individual thing. I’m assuming this type of thing is best left up to a doc who has access to your medical records. My doctor has been adjusting my doses based on my records, his observations, and our conversations together.

    It’s also possible to overdose on some vitamins, and I think B may be one of those. It’s added to many foods already. Really, I think calling your doc might be the best bet before proceeding to go off your meds in favor of a vitamin that you probably are already getting, as Jenetically Modified points out.


    Post count: 14413

    My husband and I are vegetarians (almost vegan, only occasional cheese & dairy). We take a multivitamin daily. I used to put nutritional yeast (contains B12) in my morning smoothies, and at one point decided I would add B12 vitamins daily. I had read that low levels can cause problems that take years to show up, and since we don’t eat animal products or fish, it was a concern.

    I saw my doc earlier this year and had a blood test (first in several years – I’d not been in to see her) and she says “are you taking B12 supplements?” – yes. She told me to stop supplementing immediately. I was at the high end of what’s an acceptable B12 level.

    As JeneticallyModified says, go to your doc and get a blood test before you start messing with B12.

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