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Beeline Reader

Beeline Reader2014-08-02T04:27:27+00:00

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  • #125689

    Post count: 1096

    I am not normally one to wax lyrical about a new gismo. I have bought so many in the past in a vain attempt to help and most have been useless, minimally helpful, sidelined, or lost at some point. But I saw the details on this site for the upcoming webinar about the Beeline Reader and having never heard of it before I Googled it.

    I haven’t used it to its full extent yet so I don’t know all its capabilities, but I guess that’s the point of the webinar. However, I have to read a lot of articles as PDFs and they can be hard going, so I clicked on the PDF viewer on their website and it’s completely brilliant! All you need to do is choose the PDF of your choice but then to save it permanently onto your computer you just need to press the print icon and then choose print as PDF and you can have the coloured version. No need to view it through the web browser although you can if you prefer.

    Not only has it speeded up my reading, but I used to manually highlight passages in PDFs to help and I don’t need to do that now. This is such a simple, yet completely excellent invention.

    I look forward to seeing how it works for other stuff.  Well done to whoever dreamed this up! 🙂


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