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July 5, 2010 at 6:51 pm #88441
AnonymousInactiveJuly 5, 2010 at 6:51 pmPost count: 14413When watching one of the videos on diagnosis, Dr. J asked about whether there were any complications during the birth of that patient. What impact does the childbirth process have on whether a person may have developed ADHD or not? Is it a lack of oxygen at a given point?
I was born in 1984 and my mother was in labor with me for three days. I started showing signs of fetal distress and they started to set my mother up for a c-section when apparently I turned a bit around the right way (the theory is that i was stuck with one of my mother’s spinal vertebrae that was pushed in farther than normal…the L5 if that helps any) . after some careful manipulation, they were able to deliver me by foreceps.
other facts that might help: I was the first born, and also my sister was a very fast delivery (we joke we needed a catchers mitt for her) and she doesn’t have ADHD.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 18, 2010 at 5:30 am #94481
AnonymousInactiveJuly 18, 2010 at 5:30 amPost count: 14413I always assumed that question was asked to rule out issues that were similar or could be mistaken for ADD rather than the complications causing ADD. For example, my son has ADD and had no birth complications whereas my daughter who did have birth comlications does not have ADD.
I myself have ADD but my twin sister (fraternal) does not and there were no complications at our births. I think the question about complications at birth all leads to the fact that the doctor has to always be on the lookout for differential diagnoses (what else could this be?).
REPORT ABUSEJuly 20, 2010 at 4:46 pm #94482
AnonymousInactiveJuly 20, 2010 at 4:46 pmPost count: 14413Interesting point there zsazsa! Really cool about the twin issue ( i had to do a project on birth order effect for a psych course) Just out of curiosity, did your sister notice things with your ADD diagnosis before other family members did? I know that some identical twins claim that they have like a sixth sense on what the other twin is feeling- but wasn’t able to find anything with fraternal twins (mainly cause the genetic code is different so it kinda adds variables to studies)
I’m sure it must be interesting also to be a parent with a child with ADD as well. Is the son the older or younger child? when did you start to notice the symptoms of ADD ? how soon did you get a diagnosis? did he go on medications right away? Thanks for the bit too on which had a tough time with birth complications. That certainly helps with relieves my brain that i’m would not only have a troublesome labour but also dealing with the adhd and anything else in the cute bundle of joy.
I’m wondering if this is where they would eliminate something like a physical injury to the brain that might cause similar issues.
REPORT ABUSEAugust 9, 2010 at 11:06 pm #94483I would have to agree that it’s a differential diagnosis thing. I believe he asked my mother if there had been any complications with my birth, and asked me about my son’s as well. There’s a note in my son’s chart that he was born with the cord around his neck