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Blog Therapy

Blog Therapy2015-08-25T20:01:44+00:00

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  • #127365

    Post count: 2

    Hey Guys and Gals. Not sure if this should be in this category, but I wanted to be sure it was somewhere that has good traffic. I have been trying to get this project off the ground — a communal blog where people can submit posts about their ADHD journey. Basically I envision it to be a beacon of hope to everyone who reads it because the posts will hopefully have a problem-solution kind of vibe to it. Hopeful and even uplifting posts about how people just like you are coping day to day.

    There are a few posts on there that I have written, but the word still hasn’t got out. So if you are a seasoned, amateur or even a newbie blogger, or just have something helpful to offer, then I urge you to check it out. Totally free to post; I just read it over before I publish it. The blog is publically posted on tumblr at http://adhdinside.com



    Post count: 60

    Hello Bri, I enjoyed being enlightened at Gage Park last week about CBT. My guests liked it too. Very pro like, my friend. Thanks for all your effort for making a great support group and I like your blog. Someday I will contribute (after I conquer my ‘inner debbie downer’) Hehe. Hug4U. Bye for now


    Post count: 1
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